
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Moon Caught Us - Poems By ?

The Moon Caught Us The moon took our life, our hopes, and, our dreams And in hope we observed what was looming in vertice. Yet the least of the worries, waiting in silence, silently biding. And blinding we were, over and out in an alley, gazes upturned. And we held towards the sky, observing it and what lay within. Just as we did, in due time the moon shown it's dark, it's dim. A sin, committed, by us, the chosen few, us who knew the plot. And with swift justice did our judge in white take it's shot. An inky blot, red in color, danger, danger, we all take cover. Yet the moon we feared did not bare it's teeth nor it's threat. And in a teet and in a tat we absconded our gazes to the floor. In dour stood a man in white, stood in our sights, a sure fight. Fraught we were, in confusion, in confliction, a dire moment. And shown it, we were, his spiteful spiting image, in sight. In plain sight. - ?

The Crowen Knight - Poems by Artorias Lightveil.

The Crowen Knight The knight’s honor, denied he was to this due. His armour yet feared by them, the few who knew. Wicked and black, his heart shown like the same. Yet they loved his symbol, what he came to represent. For he hath no home, no banner, no lord nor lady. A knight clad in black, with his swords on his back. Riding the dawn, in shadows, and in the byways. But not a soul knew the man behind it. And he was neither craven nor wicked. But truly, an honorable fighter, one for freedom.  Yes, black his armour may be, but armour doth not saturate the heart. And a journey unknown, might but only hide a scar. - Artorias Lightveil

Quick Post 13

AAAA bugs give me the heebie-jeebies, make my skin crawl, and if regular sized bugs do that, then you can imagine big, humongous sized bugs would make my soul instantly astral project and send it self into the void! - Z 

The Tired Yet Young Sub-Genre. 「BATTLE ROYALE/S」

While it may be a young sub-genre, it's old and tired by now. 'Battle Royale', a young video game sub-genre of action games is already... Ironically, feeling pretty old and tired. Most of the games in this genre are dime a dozen. Honestly the only game/s I can see having long lives are Fortnite, Apex, PUBG (Bear with me), and Warzone. And at least 3 of these are actually solid games with distinct and thought out art direction... So well thought out, that ALOT (NOT ALL) of 'Battle Royales' end up copying or taking inspiration from them. (CSGO Dangerzone exists, I know, and I love CSGO, but I seriously don't think it's going to be as popular as any of the other guys.) In terms of basics, a 'Battle Royale' is a game that blends scavenging and last man standing gameplay to create a tense and 'anything can happen' experience, where a large number of players (usually 50-100) start with no equipment and are spread (through different means, though us...


Evermore... Forever and Always. Well, well, well. We are back with another long ass post.  I told you I would make this post... Eventually. And hey! Eventually, it is here.  LET ME PREFACE: THIS IS THE LONGEST POST I HAVE EVER MADE, AND I AM SO PROUD OF IT... That is all! Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore! Here we go. So this game is a fandisc, which is basically a continuation of a visual novel.  I admit, I am not so well versed in the terms that visual novel fans use but all you need to know is that Evermore is a continuation of the story in Cinderella Phenomenon, taking place 2 years after the original game. It, obviously, contains a continuation of every route. (Rod, Klaude, Chevalier, Fritz, and Waltz) You'll probably benefit from playing the original game, which is free by the way, or you can read my blog post about the original game... Not that it is as good as playing the game yourself though because I didn't really recap the entire story down to the singular routes...

(Un)inspiration and Productivity Woes.

Don't panic. Just venting. Alright. So don't panic, just wanted to vent a bit on the state of my productivity, or more accurately the lack thereof... I'm a lazy person. I don't think there's anyway way to spin it, I'm just not a productive person. Or I think at least. I've always struggled with being productive, I never really studied, I usually try to put the least amount of effort into school projects while still doing things... It's not good at all--and just to clarify--this is all my fault. There is no blame for anyone but me, though even then I still am quite frustrated.  I don't know if I am tackling it correctly but I have tried to pinpoint the things that make me how I am. I have searched far and wide in my soul and found nothing that leads to an answer as of yet. Though, I guess I could try making lists, that's genuinely one of the only things I haven't tried lol. But anyway, this post WILL NOT make sense, It's delusional, I just...