Evermore... Forever and Always.
Well, well, well. We are back with another long ass post. I told you I would make this post... Eventually. And hey! Eventually, it is here.
Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore! Here we go.
So this game is a fandisc, which is basically a continuation of a visual novel.
I admit, I am not so well versed in the terms that visual novel fans use but all you need to know is that Evermore is a continuation of the story in Cinderella Phenomenon, taking place 2 years after the original game.
It, obviously, contains a continuation of every route. (Rod, Klaude, Chevalier, Fritz, and Waltz)
You'll probably benefit from playing the original game, which is free by the way, or you can read my blog post about the original game... Not that it is as good as playing the game yourself though because I didn't really recap the entire story down to the singular routes, instead I just talked about things and moments I liked.
But, if you don't want to do either, then here's a SPOILER FILLED and pretty understated and vague recap.
You are Lucette Riella Britton (First name is changeable) and you are the crown princess of Angielle. You are the daughter of King Genaro, and the late Queen Hildyr, who is a Witch.
There is magic in this world, and it is facilitated by Fairies and Witches, magic is also connected to two different crystals, the Lucis and the Tenebrarum, Lucis is for Fairies, Tenebrarum is for Witches.
There was a war against Witches after a Mr. Grimm made a thing called Fairytales, which painted Fairies as all good, and Witches as all bad. Witches and Fairies aren't supposed to use magic to hurt humans but they started to do so in self defense.
Hildyr is the 'Tenebrarum Bearer' or basically the Witch queen who took over the kingdom and forced Genaro to marry her, and they had Lucette. Hildyr starts to mold Lucette into a perfect copy of herself but is thwarted when one of two apprentices of hers, Waltz Cresswell betrays her and helps win the war against Witches. He does this to give Lucette a chance at a normal life.
The opposite of the 'Tenebrarum Bearer' is the aptly titled 'Lucis Bearer' which is the Fairy, Parfait, who used to be best friends with Hildyr, once upon a time.
Though Lucette does get a shot at a normal life, her mind was wiped shortly before Hildyr died, and only remembers the "good" (Not really) times with her mother, and swears by the ideals and such that her mother taught her, such as seeing herself as above others, having a closed mind, and a frozen heart. Also most people hate her because she is the daughter of the evil Witch queen.
She has a step family consisting of Ophelia Widdensov, Emelaigne Widdensov, and Rod Widdensov. Ophelia is the king's long, lost love that he had to give up when Hildyr came into the picture.
She also has a personal knight, Fritz Leverton, who is cursed with the 'Little Red Riding Hood Curse' by Sir Mythros, who is a witch in hiding, on his own father, Alcaster Leverton's, orders.
Because of how messed up Lucette is 'post-Hildyr' she is even more hated by the people. Her father has no idea how to 'fix' her problems, her step-family is quite mixed on the matter, well one of them is at least, and she is walking down the path of Hildyr... Which is very convenient for the remaining Hildyr sympathizers, such as Sir Mythros and Alcaster, which lurk, hiding in plain sight... Surprisingly.
Then Lucette is cursed by a witch named Delora with what is known as the 'Fairytale Curse' which is a curse made by Witches to teach people lessons, and they are based of fairytales. Lucette is cursed by the 'Cinderella Curse' wherein she is stripped of the title of crown princess and has to complete 3 good deeds to break the curse and regain it.
Lucette awakens on the streets and is confused, she tries to go back home to the palace but finds she is forgotten, then she is given money out of pity by her father who doesn't know who she is due to the curse and spends the night on the streets. She is chased by some thieves and is rescued by Waltz, cursed with the 'Neverland Curse' for betraying Hildyr, and Klaude is cursed with the 'Beauty and The Beast Curse' for being a conceited and vain person.
Lucette is taken to the Marchen tavern where people who are cursed band together in camaraderie and try to help each other break their respective curse. Lucette gets a cold welcome from most borders, including from her step-brother, Rod Widdensov, cursed with the 'Little Mermaid Curse' for being shortsighted in his desires.
The only people who seem friendly to her are, Delora, the witch who cursed her, Parfait, the aforementioned 'Lucis Bearer', the aforementioned Klaude and Waltz, Chevalier, who is cursed with the "Rumpelstiltskin Curse" for being too generous, Annice, who is just the nicest in general, and of course Jurien and Garlan, the protectors of the Marchen who are also ex-Knights.
NOW to generalize and make a long story short...
Lucette has to break her curse before her 18th birthday which is when she inherits the title of 'Tenebrarum Bearer'.
She partners up with one of the five bachelors, them being, Rod, Klaude, Chevalier, Fritz, and Waltz.The stories and their events differ from each other, but generally, (AND IF YOU PICKED THE RIGHT CHOICES) they all end with Lucette breaking the curse and being in love.
Rod's route is the most tame one as no one dies, other than Fritz, but then again, his fate is left up to interpretation. It revolves around your step-brother, Rod Benedikt Widdensov, whom you previously mistreated and how you get him to assist you to break your curse. (Freak-shit on paper but it's actually not that bad in practice.) He is the resident tsundere route I suppose, wherein he starts really cold and ends up warming up to you.
The logic in picking Rod, is that if your cruelty to his family is why you are a cursed diva, you can reverse the curse by asking him for help.
At the start of his route he has no chill in kicking Lucette down when she is low, and while you can argue it's understandable, at best, it's kind of immature, and at worst, it's sadistic. Anyway, through persistence you end up becoming a personal maid for his sister and your step-sister, Emelaigne. Through this you get closer and learn more about Rod and his curse.
It's theme is of unlikely allies, in that you are basically mortal enemies at the start, who can't really tolerate one another and that y'know, you are step-siblings... And how social status shouldn't hinder your happiness, in that Rod was a commoner before becoming a prince and how you are crown princess before being cursed to become a commoner, then back to the original point of Rod. He is a man of standard and duty, he doesn't like people who bully or hurt others, especially his family, and he does a lot to be, in his own eyes, worthy of praise.
Chev's route is pretty up there in the death count as Parfait and Mythros die, Fritz' fate is kind of left up for interpretation, and some soldiers probably die too. It revolves around Chevalier Du Mont or Rumpel as he is referred to in the early chapters. And he has lost his memories. He is a big flatterer but is really just a kind person. The route is like a reverse tsundere, where YOU are the cold one.
I honestly don't know what logic Lucette would have to approach him in the first place though... Other than he seems popular with people and that can get you a good deed?
His route starts with him being a general casanova. He tries and fails to flirt with any woman in a 1 mile radius (Exaggeration of course but still.), and he tries to teach Lucette how to do a good deed by being a nice person and displaying the kindness and such of others. You, on the other hand help him regain memories and that's how you get closer to him and learn why he gets cursed in the first place, and it's pretty sad.
I would say the theme of the route is that people are much more than what they seem and that being kind is not always a ticket to heaven. Chevalier may seem like a directionless flirt and people pleaser, but truly, he is just kind of nice and a wholesome person... To a fault, as he is almost too kind, too generous, to the point that he is a liability to himself and those he loves. Unfortunately he is a man of overly good morals.
Klaude's route has the same death count as Chev's. Fritz and Mythros die and Alcaster is sentenced to death, and the background soldiers, well some probably die aswell. Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte or Karma as is his shortened name, is the ''Lost Prince' of Brugantia, a neighboring kingdom. He has quite the ego, and can shamelessly steal the spotlight, but is not one to be taken lightly either. His route is like a uh... skeletons in his closet route.
I guess the logic with approaching him would be that Lucette is kind of interested with what he has to say. He is pretty charismatic to be fair.
The route starts with you aiding him with some errands for the Marchen and kind of getting to know him, he is pretty tight-lipped with his past and reasons for so and so even after Lucette's persistence. Lucette's persistence is kind of warranted, he does lead her on in some cases, only to push her away in others. But they work it out eventually.
I'd say the theme is that secrets, no matter how damning or scary, aren't worth keeping if they hurt your loved ones, and that it's bad to lead others on and deceive them, even if you have good intentions. Klaude is kind of coy with Lucette, trying to get close to her, but afraid of actually doing it too. His own insecurities being the main hindrance and also hurting Lucette in a way only two people in love can. He is not a bad person, high self opinion sure but not overly pompous.
Fritz' route is interesting, it involves the death of Delora, Parfait, Hildyr, Mythros, and, you can even argue, a whole host of soldiers and civilians. Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton or Fritz is Lucette's personal knight. Varg, a character I haven't mentioned yet, is the fate of Fritz because Fritz is cursed to become an alter ego, named... Varg, who represents his darkest thoughts. This is pretty much the... for lack of a better term, longtime admirer route.
He is probably the most logical decision for Lucette in picking someone to aid her in breaking her curse. He is/was her personal knight and as far as she knows, only there to serve her and her interests. THEN again she would not know if he would remember her.
Lucette, thinking of who to approach to assist her, suddenly thinks of Fritz, who conveniently stumbles into the Marchen in the middle of the day, which is a red flag, as only those who are cursed can see the Marchen for what it is, a tavern full of cursed people. Lucette spends a lot of time away from the Marchen in this route, even storming out once and following Mythros. And obviously, this is the route where Lucette messes up the most.
The duality of Varg and Fritz is a major theme. I would say that the theme is also not everyone is as they seem but the difference between him and Chev is about learning the 'darker' side of a person you thought you knew and still loving them in spite of that side. Fritz has always tried to be the knight in shining armor for Lucette and Varg is the monster. In the end... The knight prevails.
Waltz' is about as insane as Fritz'. Parfait, Alcaster, Mythros, Hildyr, and definitely a few soldiers and civilians would have died. It follows Waltz Cresswell or simply Waltz, in his rediscovery of Lucette, who he used to know when they were kids. He did a lot for Lucette, much of which she doesn't remember, but even then he helps her in the hope that the girl he knew still exists in her. This is like a childhood best friend reunion route.
Waltz is a weird choice logically, sure he seems nice enough, but at the beginning of his route he looks like a 10 year old boy due to his curse. (Which is broken quicker in this route than in the others because duh.)
It begins with Lucette approaching him, asking him how to be good. He decides that showing her, first hand, the lives of the subjects she would take over as queen in the future. Showing her how they live and how they are happy while also helping her remember her past memories once lost in an effort to bring the good out of her.
The theme is probably that of not judging others by appearance, and also that no matter how pitiful it seems, you always have a friend, you just don't know it. Because yes, Lucette remembers not having any friends or allies, but Waltz, since meeting her, has been rooting for her, even if she doesn't know so. A dedication that goes beyond despair and thinking the worst.
After all is said and done, you get happy OR bad endings all around.
Now, to prime you for Evermore, tt picks up 2 years from the end of the original game. All 5 heroes have their own continuation routes and are all pretty cool. They all kind of center around dealing with certain problems that arise in a relationship when taking the steps towards commitment and the future, other than that central point, the game also tackles familial relationships and friendships especially in the aftermath of the insane events in the original game.
Now on to other things... lol.
I'll say, when I originally completed all routes in the original game and was made aware of Evermore, I wanted to play it immediately... And I did play it... Just not immediately. But my tardiness in playing this notwithstanding, I really like this game. I can't really put it above the original, but also, duh, this game is not exactly trying to best the original, its just a fun addon to the Angielle experience.
And just, I love when games have continuations, especially if it's a game I loved. So I do wholeheartedly recommend this if you played the original game. It's really nice, and plus there are no bad endings... Only a good ending and a 'best' ending.
It's also prudent to note some new characters such as:
Sinna, who is Parfait's cousin and takes her place as Lucis Bearer in the timelines where she is no longer around, with the exception of Fritz' route, where magic has been destroyed.
Prince Lance, who is Klaude's younger brother. Both brother's seem to have a great deal of competition and rivalry between them, almost to the point of awkwardness... Especially when the brotherly feud gets out of hand.
Now I didn't really touch upon these things in the post about the original game because I'm genuinely not experienced enough to judge these but if you want my opinion on them...
The new artwork and portraits are great. The art in the original isn't bad, it's good... But it's nothing to write home about. (ART IS HARD, I KNOW, THIS IS NOT A SLIGHT ON THE ARTIST, THEY DID A GOOD JOB, okay!!!) And while the new art isn't Shigenori Soejima or Ayami Kojima, it is an absolute improvement over the original game and looks nice.
I like the soundtrack (Which is also the original game's soundtrack!), it's pleasant and I find myself listening to certain tracks (Broken Cinderella is kind of a banger) here and there in my free time, though, not as much as say, Ace Attorney or Megami Tensei soundtracks... Or more fairly, since this is an indie visual novel, ACE Academy (Neat VN btw, I recommend it.) or Blooming Panic (Another neat one, I recommend this also.) soundtracks.
Now for something I DID touch upon...
I liked Waltz route the most... Again. No surprise. I really think that Waltz is the best for Lucette, but that's also a stupid assumption/claim to make I know, any of them could be the best for Lucette really. But to be more in depth about the WHY let's hop forward with this section shall we?
I'm going to cover the routes in no particular order. I won't recap them, since it would make this post longer than is reasonable in my opinion, so I'm going to do what I did in the post for the original game and just point out my favorite things and a certain moment in the route that I want to highlight... And besides, you should really go and buy the game lol.
Waltz has always been my headcanon (I know, I know, headcanon is an accursed word but there is no other word so succinct for this.) for Lucette. I said this in my previous post about the original, but he is truly Lucette's first friend and knows her from way back when. He is probably the most fit for caring for her because if you think about it, he would understand her struggle more than anyone, and look two years along the road he would certainly be the most ready to take as much steps to understand her more than anyone. Especially after Genaro's death in the original, which is probably one of the most traumatic things to happen to Lucette, like ever.
His route tackles things on two levels. On an over-arching level, such as the aftermath of the (re)death of Hildyr and how that effects human - witch relations, and on a personal level, such as how Fritz struggles with his past which also leads to exploring how that affects him and his relationship with Lucette. One is more important than the other in terms of the VN plot.
Alhough his and Lucette's pasts are linked inextricably, there too was a time when Waltz was a wayward soul. Waltz was not always the prodigy of Hildyr, he had a home and parents, both of which were Witches (Try saying that 5 times fast.) And Waltz was a truly gifted little witch, but by the time he was born, unfortunately the war and witch hunts were in full swing, which meant that he could not put his talents to use and was taught to hide them away.
Though Waltz was talented he was not a particularly obedient boy and in secrecy he participated in underground magic competitions. Which earned him a small reputation... That would lead to disaster. To make a long story short, Hildyr took notice, asked for Waltz nicely, was refused, and took drastic measures. All of that leading to Waltz being orphaned, Hildyr blaming the humans for it, and Waltz becoming Hildyr's prodigy. As her prodigy he did things... He would later be ashamed of, things that would haunt his conscience even decades later.
There is a line that stood out to me... Lucette and Waltz are off visiting the graves of the dearly departed, them being Genaro, in the royal catacombs, and Hildyr and Parfait, in the woods. Lucette remarks about not being deserving of Parfait's kindness and the insecurities surrounding her mother and the feelings around that. Waltz, of course, assuages those worries, but then Lucette has a thought.
She never knew the Hildyr that Parfait knew. The kind Hildyr. All she knew was the Hildyr who manipulated and hurt others, who tried to mold her into a tyrant. And that is something that hurts. To only know your mother as someone who did horrible things, while those who did know her can only talk about the memories of who she used to be. All the lost time and what could've been is a truly tragic thought.
But, continuing from that last event, is a part where Waltz, for the first time, opens up about his past to Lucette, he takes her to the place where his house once was, and introduces her to his parents, buried together. Lucette introduces herself to his parents and then, walking over to a hill they have a chat about the future while stargazing. This event is one of my favorites in the game, it is a very cathartic(?) moment, because of the history and just everything that happened to Waltz and Lucette. Finally, here they truly realize that they have a future together.
"You were my guiding light back then. And you still are, little star."
And while that isn't the end of the arc Waltz goes through in Evermore as he still needs to truly overcome his past, it is still one of my favorite moments, and the one I wanted to highlight.
Fritz' route is the most interesting route in Evermore, and while his route in the original wasn't my favorite (I still liked it), this sequel route has single-handedly made me reconsider my feelings on his original route. Fritz is, by all accounts, the princess' 'new' first friend. In the original game she would most definitely trust and seek out Fritz first to help her break her curse. Fritz would have been the only person to 'know' the princess as she is. (unlike Waltz who would know her from how she was.) And even then he didn't see an 'Ice Princess' but a misunderstood girl who needs a little help, one way or another, unwilling or not. And if anyone knows how to read Lucette as she is, and also if you think about it, would understand her in a more 'present sense' than Waltz could, it would be Fritz, as he is coming from a version of Lucette that is already 'post memory wipe'.
I digress. Fritz, is a very good candidate, and I would put him up as the most natural route in the game/s.
Now he is the most interesting route as magic is not a player in this world. Magic was destroyed when Parfait destroyed the Lucis and in turn the Tenebrarum at the end of the original game's Fritz route. The route tackles on an over-arching level, how a world of magic deals with not having magic anymore and what justice is or how it's defined/dictated, while on a personal level, Fritz' coming off of his life as a knight, his commitment to Lucette, and coming to terms with Varg.
Varg is Fritz, but Fritz is not Varg. This is a major plot point that is expanded from the original game, wherein Varg himself, and even Mythros say or allude to that Varg can only exist because of Fritz and the self he doesn't particularly show. And that side is a source of insecurity for Fritz, especially now that he is courting Lucette seriously. He is somewhat unsure whether to be ashamed or if his worries are unfounded.
A part that stuck out to me is when Fritz asks Lucette if she ever loved Varg, if she, by any chance, found anything redeeming in him... Which triggers a memory of Varg in her, she remembers some of his words like knives.
"We both know who you'll choose when the time comes." Is what he said, finally, after going on about how he (Varg) is only a product of Fritz, and how Fritz' feelings seeped into his, causing him to fall in love too. This is both a tragic, and relieving moment. Tragic, as Varg could never be who he was meant to replace and that it also really isn't his fault that he was brought out to "replace" Fritz. Relieving, as Varg let's go (in some kind of manner) of his hold on Fritz.
This is a very good moment. It asks a question that I had on my mind. If she does love Fritz truly, she must also in some ways have feelings for Varg. Either that or 'Fritz', as Lucette knows him, is not a real, or true representation of Fritz, as he is. Which of course points to something else entirely...
Another thing about Varg, there is a part in the route where Fritz reveals a darker thought that he holds. There is a part early in the plot, where Lucette is captured by ex-Witches. She is held at knifepoint and everything. Of course, Fritz, with the cooperation of the knights he once commanded, get involved and rescue Lucette. This event comes back up later on and Fritz reveals the circumstance with his father, Alcaster and his mother.
His mother was a language teacher, which influenced Fritz greatly. He learned languages with his mother and became fluent in Cinderella Phenomenon's version of Latin. One day his mother was killed. By a hired killer, hired by a nobleman for the simple reason that she exposed a horrible truth about him. The man who did the deed was punished, sure. But the man who did the hiring was anonymous, thus inculpable.
The King, understandably, was unwilling to use 'certain' tactics to get information out of the killer, even after Alcaster suggested it. That was the first stab in Alcaster's soul. It was then Alcaster took action. Vigilante justice. It was effective but dirty, and dirty does not give closure, that empty win would be the second stab in Alcaster's soul. To make matters even worse, Hildyr emerged and Alcaster was finally pushed into believing the most effective, most dirty, most tyrannical solution. That was when Alcaster's soul died.
Fritz, affected deeply by this, brings up his own scenario. What if Lucette had died, if her abductors had stepped across the line. Would he become just as his father? To repeat his mistakes? To hate the world?
"Sometimes, I think about what I would be if I lost you, Lucette. I wonder if I would come to hate the world just like my father did."
One of the best moments that the game has to offer.
Chevalier is a lovely person, incredibly charming, and though he may be a flatterer, he is a genuine person with a true love for life and I think that Chevalier is very good for Lucette. He is able to be a very wholesome source of happiness and love for her, he wears his heart on his sleeve and two years down the road I believe he can foster the most healthy relationship than any of the others. (not that they are incapable, just that he has the most chance to create a VERY healthy relationship) Not only that, but his knowledge, relatively quick uptake, and medical knowledge is equally as valuable as his emotions. He is a good influence on Lucette as a whole, in that I don't really think anything he does or is willing to do will be bad for Lucette. (Again not that any of them are bad per se, just that I think Chev physically cannot do something SO bad for her)
While I would argue about her approaching Chev in the first place... it's not out of the question that she would go to any of them. Instead I'd say that she approaches him after his friendly offer and deciding that approaching Rod would be a no go, approaching Fritz would be dangerous and might not even work, approaching Karma seems counterproductive, and approaching Waltz would be unrealistic since he looks like a kid.
Chevalier's route features a more tame Angielle than the other two above, and while it's not the TAMEST version of Angielle that is possible (Like Rod's), it is tame when compared to the aftermaths of Fritz' and Waltz' routes. It, like all other routes, tackles things on an over-arching level and personal level.
On the over-arching level are the politics of Angielle's court, Lucette's /Chev's involvement in such affairs, and the balance between the Lucis and Tenebrarum, while on the personal level are the overcoming of ones own doubt and the transition of a commoner (That being Chevalier) coming into the world of a noble (Becoming the Royal Physician and the process of courting Lucette) and how that affects their relationship.
A great moment to highlight is the 'Princess Platter' scene. Chevalier brings Lucette to enjoy a small date at a café, a break in between the horrible nightmares that Lucette faces due to the imbalance between the Crystals, here he reveals a special surprise. 'The Princess Platter', a platter of cookies that take the appearance of white lilies, Lucette's favorite flower. Chevalier brings the topic of Lucette being more kinder to herself, letting other people praise her, and that her beauty should be appreciated and celebrated. They talk about it a bit more, Chev being his usual boyish self... And then Sinna shows up, apparently so Lucette and him can work out the problems with the Crystal balance.
In my opinion this scene illustrates how well Chevalier can read people in general and bring about good and civil discussion or intervention, whether it's singular and for those who need it dearly, or if it's simply advantageous for everyone to do so. I would even say that Chevalier in general is an agreeable and reasonable person.
And it works, Sinna and Lucette manage to lead a fair discussion and end up working the issue with the Crystal balance out.
And another highlight is the scene wherein Sinna, after having magic training together with Lucette, asks both Lucette and Chev what Parfait was really like. Sinna never really got to know her in person and he resolved that she was killed because of her kindness, leading to his hard headed temperament, especially when challenged or even asked about his process as the Lucis Bearer. In said scene, letting Chev answer is the correct choice, as Chevalier, even as much as Lucette was important to Parfait, spent more time with the fairy than the princess did.
His words are somber, measured, as if reliving the night of her death, but even then a kind of happiness and hope shines through, one that was glad to know someone like Parfait, one that has hope for everyone, just like Parfait did.
"It was the greatest honor to be able to help her."
A touching scene lead by a truly sweet man, with a love for life, a hope for everybody, and always a nice word to say. Chevalier.
Klaude, contrary to Culture Club's 'Karma Chameleon' is a man of conviction, and while he really isn't one to sell a contradiction, he definitely knows how to if needs be. While he loves to bask in and even steal the spotlight of anything and everything, he is okay with sitting in the dark if his 'Ice Princess' takes his place. Karma is a pretty good match for someone like Lucette. Though they may be polar opposites in terms of personality. Klaude being the attention seeking, sweet talking, Chameleon Prince, able to charm anyone and blend in anywhere, anytime. Lucette is the uncaring, blunt, Ice Princess, able to kill a man with words, she shines with her own beauty, never needing to blend in. They balance each other out and their dynamic is amazing. And having someone like Klaude by her side would definitely help Lucette have more fun in life, even if she tries to downplay how much she enjoys the antics.
Maybe opposites do attract after all. But in all seriousness Lucette would probably approach Klaude after hearing about beauty inside and outside. After all if someone doesn't know how to be good and hears that to be good you need beauty inside and outside, it sounds legit. Also all the other conditions (mentioned in Chev's section) have to be true, with the added addition of not approaching Chev because she thinks he's an insufferable casanova.
His route is just as the others. It tackles, at an overarching level, the idea of a prince from one kingdom (Brugantia), becoming a prince of another kingdom (Angielle), and on the personal level, it tackles, the rivalry between siblings and how it escalates, how to properly deal with emotions and what to avoid, and the dynamic between two eccentric lovers on opposite ends of the (Eccentric) spectrum.
There is a good moment where Klaude asks Lucette if she remembers what he told her when she first asked him how to be good. It is one of the first things he says to Lucette in his route in the original game. The answer is beauty. On the inside and out.
"The best people, princess, look beautiful. The way you look outside has to match what you have inside." Is what he tells Lucette when he is first approached by her.
And while it is a good moment already because it inquires to your knowledge of the original game whilst also cleverly calling back to an important message that Klaude tells Lucette, which by the way, REALLY relates to his arc and character in the original game. It also showcases that Klaude, through his vanity, his sweet-talking, his eccentricity, through all that, remembers and cherishes even an encounter such as that... One that took place 2 years ago, when he was still planning to just get in Lucette's good graces to be freed of his own curse. An encounter, that for all intents and purposes, started the road that leads to where the two lovers are at now, preparing to be wed in just a few hours.
It really shows just how much the curse and Lucette has changed for him. No longer is he a vain and arrogant man who toys with hearts and treats love like a game. Now he is committed to one woman, one true love. He successfully avoided his Karma-justice, he found his conviction, and with that the Karma Chameleon had come and gone.
"Until you came along. Had I not met you, Lucette, I might have still been the same cursed man."
While loving someone would be easy if their colors were like your dreams, it seems that Klaude and Lucette made it work even with clashing colors.
5. ROD
Rod is a stoic. The philosophy might not be there in Angielle, but he is, no doubt, a stoic. He is a hard working, no nonsense, and determined person, with a stubborn and prideful nature. His love, his feelings, are complicated. His mind is loud but his demeanor is the opposite. Lucette and Rod are unlikely, and somewhat forbidden lovers. Yes, it's strange, but their similarities are too glaring to ignore, even to themselves, even if only subconsciously. While they are definitely two serial scowlers, the love they share is actually really wholesome. Rod found someone who, while patient with him, never lets him be indecisive or too hung up on things. Lucette found someone who can truly appreciate and even match her determination and forwardness, and even her contradicting shyness and temperance. Rod and Lucette, in a way, complete one another... They are puzzle pieces that just... Fit.... Strange or not... Not to mention, Lucette directly saves Rod's life in his original route.
I do feel like Lucette would strike at the heart of the issue, or what she thinks the issue is at least. And that is her coldness towards the Widdensov family that went and became HER step-family. So approaching Rod with that in mind is very plausible to me. And besides, Lucette isn't one to look away from a problem she created, not at all.
On the over-arching level, the route sees the weight of an entire kingdom upon the back of a man who needs to prove himself for the hand of a princess. And on the personal level, is the miscommunication, of things such as give and take, between Rod and Lucette, and the inward struggle of a romance that has required great sacrifice from both or one party.
An amazing scene happens in this route, and by the way, this all takes place in the best/most peaceful Angielle between each routes, and the scene is when Genaro makes a speech celebrating Lucette, her achievements, her determination, her strength, and just her everything really... Which leads into Rod proposing to her. A beautiful sequence, though limited by the medium of VNs, the theatre of mind fills up every blank an every shortcoming. I can just imagine Lucette's feelings in this timeline.
That through all the grief she has been and put others through, all the things she has done wrong, all the things others have done wrong to her... After surviving Hildyr and her machinations, reconnecting with her father, finally belonging in a family, making unforgettable allies, and of course... Finding love, even in the most unexpected place.
Finally. It finally sets in, in a perfect manner, a perfect sequence, she has made it. She is not who her mother was, she is Lucette Riella Britton, the crown princess of Angielle and the Tenebrarum Bearer. And. She. Has. Beaten. The. Hand. Dealt. To. Her... She showed everyone that scorned her, she overcame all her shortcomings, now she gets to enjoy a happy ending. A happy kingdom, A happy life. No more suffering under the unfair assumptions, under the self that Hildyr molded. She is free.
"Princess Lucette Riella Britton, daughter of King Genaro Britton III--will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
A perfect ending, for two souls who deserve it ALL! Probably the most wholesome and heartwarming scene in the entire game for me. I love this scene.
As for a conclusion?
Even the 'Witch's Daughter', the 'Ice Princess', the 'Tenebrarum Bearer' deserves a happy ending... Especially if she fought hard for it. And Lucette did. She fought so hard for it. - Z
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