The Moon Caught Us - Poems By ?

The Moon Caught Us

The moon took our life, our hopes, and, our dreams

And in hope we observed what was looming in vertice.

Yet the least of the worries, waiting in silence, silently biding.

And blinding we were, over and out in an alley, gazes upturned.

And we held towards the sky, observing it and what lay within.

Just as we did, in due time the moon shown it's dark, it's dim.

A sin, committed, by us, the chosen few, us who knew the plot.

And with swift justice did our judge in white take it's shot.

An inky blot, red in color, danger, danger, we all take cover.

Yet the moon we feared did not bare it's teeth nor it's threat.

And in a teet and in a tat we absconded our gazes to the floor.

In dour stood a man in white, stood in our sights, a sure fight.

Fraught we were, in confusion, in confliction, a dire moment.

And shown it, we were, his spiteful spiting image, in sight.

In plain sight.

- ?


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