
Showing posts from September, 2022

Getting Back Into the Lands Between. 「ELDEN RING」

Elden Ring. Let me preface this by saying I am in no way good at From Software's "Elden-Demon Soulsborne" genre. I had bought Elden Ring a few months after it had first released (maybe 2-3 months?) and my first impressions were quite sour. Before we go any further let me just say I have played other souls games (specifically Bloodborne and Dark Souls III) and I absolutely loved them.(Shadows of Yharnam and Champion Gundyr are my favorite bosses in each) I even played through them several times after the first playthrough. So, when I played Elden Ring and I found it to be I don't know?  Too alien? (Yes, even if the gameplay is literally just Dark Souls III with jumping) I was kind of like... Huh. And then I dropped it. Again before we go further I want to mention that I hadn't even cleared Margit yet when I decided to drop it O_O. After having some time to think about it I recently went back to it... And I actually am enjoying my time with it now.  The working theo...

The Work is Over... For Now...

The work is over... for now...  Awright, finally done with most of the work I had to do, it only took all my willpower. Anyway, all that work didn't give me any time to post at all, but also at the same time, nothing interesting happened anyway...  But, I do hope something interesting happens soon, because it's been a boring four days.  I initially started this blog six days ago because someone told me to make one and coincidentally I also happen to enjoy typing/writing things down so I thought:  "Why the hell not?" And yeah, I have no reason to not make a blog, but I also have no reason to actually make a blog and continue posting. Anyhow I still plan to post whatever I feel like whether it fits being in a blog or not... If that makes any sense, I feel like it doesn't but hey, what does fit being in a blog anyway? News? Diary entries? Hobbies? Project progress? Whatever, it doesn't really matter does it? At the end of the day blog is blog, and I blog what I b...

Quick Post 2

 I'm struggling in an ocean of work and I feel like I'm about to drownnnn... HELP.  - Z

Quick Post 1?

Quick post... I'm going to make a habit of making quicker posts that will probably make no sense more often than not. They will usually be one sentence, this one notwithstanding of course. Anyway yeah! Quick posts. Also I'm getting used to blog posting... I think.  - Z

Enjoyable Day.

Enjoyable day today I had some friends over today, t'was a fun time, we played fighting games and I had them play Dark Souls III for the first time. All that gaming made us totally get sidetracked from what we were supposed to be doing, but in the end... I don't regret it at all, anyway they're coming to visit again so I guess it doesn't matter that we got totally sidetracked... We just need to make sure not to let it happen as badly again. Anyway this week is a busy one, so much to do, so little enjoyment I have for it all... Oh well come what may I'll just deal with it and keep on keeping on, just like I always have.  Moving on, I hate taking naps. I always feel like I'm dying when I wake up from one, but I'm sleepy more often than not so it's hard not to take one here and there. On that note, I need to fix my sleep schedule... But that's a problem to tackle for me in the future, right now I need to get on achieving 100 percent Yakuza 0 and Dark So...

First Post.

First blog post Someone told me I should make a blog... so I did, Hi! I probably won't post much, or, like at all. But then again, who the hell is going to find this blog anyway? Moving on though, this is all new to me, I've never tried anything like this in my life and its kind of intimidating but also at the same time I think it will be interesting. I have no plans to theme this blog on anything in particular so I don't imagine it will garner any attention, I hope . So welcome to the blog! You probably want to leave now don't you... Honestly I don't blame you at all... Thanks for reading - Z