Getting Back Into the Lands Between. 「ELDEN RING」

Elden Ring.

Let me preface this by saying I am in no way good at From Software's "Elden-Demon Soulsborne" genre.

I had bought Elden Ring a few months after it had first released (maybe 2-3 months?) and my first impressions were quite sour. Before we go any further let me just say I have played other souls games (specifically Bloodborne and Dark Souls III) and I absolutely loved them.(Shadows of Yharnam and Champion Gundyr are my favorite bosses in each) I even played through them several times after the first playthrough. So, when I played Elden Ring and I found it to be I don't know?  Too alien? (Yes, even if the gameplay is literally just Dark Souls III with jumping) I was kind of like... Huh. And then I dropped it. Again before we go further I want to mention that I hadn't even cleared Margit yet when I decided to drop it O_O. After having some time to think about it I recently went back to it... And I actually am enjoying my time with it now. 

The working theory is that my mindset was too Dark Souls? Like I thought I NEEDED to defeat the boss on my own, only using the weapon I had and dodging around "performing a dance with the boss", and also, that I was too used to the linear nature of Bloodborne and Dark Souls III. And honestly, I think that mindset severely affected my enjoyment, because it was endless trial and error, where to go? what to do? why is this here? blah blah. 

Anyway, I realized at some point in the time between my dropping of Elden Ring and my revisit, that Elden Ring and by extension Dark Souls does not care about how you choose to deal with the challenge, only you do, and that what matters is that you are having fun with the game made to entertain you... and I know what you are thinking Games?!?! For Fun?!?! That's Insane! But yeah... who knew video games are supposed to get you to have fun. Now, with all that said and done, I am on the warpath to becoming the Eldest Ring in Elden Ring. - Z 


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