
Showing posts from November, 2023

A Growing Hate - Rose Blanche I

  Rose Blanche - Poem Collection I A Growing Hate o-o-o-o-o Actually by: Zeerdank o-o-o-o-o Hello, it is I, dearest Rose Blanche. Here I bring a collection of poems I wrote while working for that damned arcana-obsessed fool. The only and best way I can describe them are delightfully contemptuous… Of people, of course, people and their sweet sickness. Anyhoo, I hope you do enjoy them. That’s my biggest and most principal hope.  Don’t break my heart, okay? - Rose Blanche o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o–o-o I - Showing Facades Why hide your face you sickening lot…? Telling the truth, sins all bared, is better than not. Why hide your sins you disturbing bastards…? Humanity, it seems, is really lost for your standards. How cruel might you be, I wonder? How inhuman are you, down under? You sinner. You sickening bastard. You facade donning freak. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o–o-o II - Sugar of Sin Oh a sweet little lie, and a sugary sin. Might fools and picaros penchant But, p...

Just a Nowhere Man.

  Just a Nowhere Man Concept for the character Makoto ‘Mack’ Kuro-Kyser. Preface before we get started. This is a kind of memoir and kind of concept for a character named Makoto Kuro-Kyser, or Mack. It talks about his life and his regrets. It's probably cringy as fuck, but whatevs :P I honestly just randomly thought up this idea and then immediately decided to throw caution to the wind and begin typing away, trying to build from that random basic idea.  And now, I come to you with this. A small memoir by Mack. Oh and this character is bound to change as I flesh him out on my own. Hell, the character might not even be anything like what is written here at some point in the future. 「And we begin」 Dear Reader, Never been much of a popular guy and I was always fine with that. In keeping to myself, I never thought my life would go so south. I was born in Taiyo, though I don’t remember much of what it’s like there, my parents moved out to Greater Chester in Crowsea when I was only t...