A Growing Hate - Rose Blanche I

 Rose Blanche - Poem Collection I

A Growing Hate

o-o-o-o-o Actually by: Zeerdank o-o-o-o-o

Hello, it is I, dearest Rose Blanche. Here I bring a collection of poems I wrote while working for that damned arcana-obsessed fool. The only and best way I can describe them are delightfully contemptuous… Of people, of course, people and their sweet sickness. Anyhoo, I hope you do enjoy them. That’s my biggest and most principal hope. 

Don’t break my heart, okay?

- Rose Blanche


I - Showing Facades

Why hide your face you sickening lot…?

Telling the truth, sins all bared, is better than not.

Why hide your sins you disturbing bastards…?

Humanity, it seems, is really lost for your standards.

How cruel might you be, I wonder?

How inhuman are you, down under?

You sinner. You sickening bastard. You facade donning freak.


II - Sugar of Sin

Oh a sweet little lie, and a sugary sin.

Might fools and picaros penchant

But, perchance, a man of wit could so

Then a world alight he’ll shape.

A consequence of corruption.

To make a confluence of disruption.

And virtue, resolve, nobody’s compulsion.

And sugar delight, for surface alright

When compared to truth and wit.

For nobody doth care, if heroics are there.

If not to fill their own satisfaction.


III - Moral Wont

If thy will is thy wont,

And we’re driven by want,

But wanting in excess is sin…

Then say what you want,

We’re all sinners here-

So dear, oh dear, don’t want.


IV - Dying For a Living

Dire subsistence in our living breath.

We’ve worked ourselves to death.

With no respite and with no reprieve.

In saints we trust, for saints have breadth.

Cast the die, the time is now.

We’ll find out if fate allows-

Allows us to be whole again.

No hope for it, but we’d made a vow.

Dire divergence in hallowed rank.

Their minds and souls all run a blank.

White yet impure it shakes us so.

The monotony of life, for us it sank.


V - No Gods nor Kings

Don’t blame the forces,

For deigning to force us.

Or leaving us dry and high,

Or losing us our way.

There be no Gods nor Kings,

No legendary things.

To bring us off to die,

To leave us all astray.

So know now,

Nothing’s as you’d think how.

And in truth it is man.

And in life only we can.

No Gods nor Kings,

No legendary things.

Only us son of man,

Only us those who can.


VI - Divine Tragedy

They say that those in life are blessed and luck strewn.

That to disagree is a decree of unknowledge and loon.

But divest your conceptions and degrees of conception.

For a hint of the truth is hidden from our perception.

A divinely disguised tragedy brought forth from the lies.

Told by the lips of those who speak of millennium skies.

If truly we are the loved and if truly we are the blessed.

Why is it that our wake is a weight and a burden stressed.

Insanity it is to believe a world beyond and above our coil.

Their lessons appear nothing but seething insults while we toil.


VII - The Sum of Sugar

If nothing else, let there be hell.

For the sugars we’d enjoyed be naught but death knells.

A sick man is a sinner, and a fit one nary was.

But delightful the sweetness that tricks and undoes.

You’d heard it before, a tempting seduction.

A kiss from the angels that bring our destruction.

But the sugars of sin, are but cheap pleasures.

A trick of the mind to sate the flesh and it’s measures.

So eat and glutton as you wish, I shan’t care.

I’ve no wish for you hypocrites ‘cept the dues you’ll share.


Thank you again. Be seeing you~

- Rose Blanche


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