Crow Armbrust my Beloved.「COLD STEEL ARC」

 Crow my beloved xoxo

Reasons I love Crow Armbrust. 

Oh yeah and spoilers ahead for uh... Trails of Cold Steel and other Trails games he appears in.

Don't read if you care about that game's story or something and you haven't played any of them.

> I like the way they wrote him as a traitor. Him and Rean don't hate each other per se, they just don't stand on the same ground.

> I like his design. (I love him and I am a sucker for white haired anime boys.) (P.S Appreciating male beauty as a male is the straightest thing imaginable don't @ me)

> I like his English voice actor, I don't exactly recall the name (AND I HOPE HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BAD OR PROBLEMATIC) but his performance as Crow was good.

> I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. (Zuko is still my favorite character from ATLA and I am an Akechi from P5 enjoyer)

> He give me big pain in the heart when he decided to go die and then come back but with no memory then get back memory then want to die again but Rean said no and then they fren. I cry.

> I like his commitment to his own path and living his own life, not chained down by privileged behavior (Rean Schwarzer is crying) and whatnot. (You know Goro Akechi's arc in P5R gave me big Crow "Fuck you" Armbrust vibes.

> Anime boys with white hair make me weak in the knees.

> Lastly but definitely not... least-ly? I liked Goro Akechi, this is not a point about Crow Armbrust but writing- typing this down, I realized that I like Akechi for similar reasons I like Crow so yeah.

- PS. This was originally a draft post from a few weeks ago and I have no clue what possessed me to make this post at that time, but here we are. I hope you enjoyed reading this and stan Crow Armbrust xoxoxo <3 <3.

- Z (I ain't lackin I swear, Crow's just too cool.)


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