A long poem by: Zeerdank


Blinding, deafening, cacophony of all, whether glass, or class, or metered step

Silks so sharp like a blade of gold, of a diamond dream, of joyous times, and idyllic smiles

Wrapped around them, on their hands and covering floors while draping walls, to all in all form an exquisite… 

An exquisite, grandiose, platinum platter holding they of a benefit. Those requisite matters

That matter is regal, proud, they are quiet, loud, of noble or the ig, of small fief or the big…

A step is so hard, 

incredibly taxes the mind, 

watching the feet, 


watching mine

Two balancing scales, on my left and my right, one with the vintage, the other a rare… The water would flow, the mouth froth would go, but I certainly did not dare…

Wandering starved, staring at stars who’d never look back, not a twinkle or burst, not a bite or pour, no quench for a thirst, of what you see or the sea, no saturation of a hunger, of one’s fair or a fare

Yet in a smiling indifference, in a face of futility, the infertility of this dream and all that seems…

Still I stare

Stare beyond…

A cruel kind of dreaming, over and over, heart swell believing, as the night is moreover

To sip, I would wish, of diamond dust, an added helping of glimmery grits

Like the buoyant bits of a fantasy, magnificent and gilded, crowned like a story, lived by the gifted, but in reading reveries anyone knows, like a fantasy ought, tis a far off fiction…

Oh no diction have I in such kind of dream, 

of visions so dressed, so rightly inseam.

This high fantasy I hold… 

     …To some kind of esteem.


Distanced thoughts go too far and still farther, they are enough to farfetch only mazes to think

Figures and raiments, like sticks draped in spirit. Ethereal women, no wrinkles nor blemish

No spirits like fire or honey and sting, only closeted elders and fragrances strong, to string about a wonderful mindsong… But strung high is the night, that the singing is wrong…? Or strange better said…


Not quite so wrong… But removed from my own. Not like in my head.

Rally forth there again with a vintage grasped, a fiery crimson speaks to a mask, in passing I eave…

… Nothing…?

       … This, oh this, I cannot believe.

Confusion ungraceful, as stupid and lame standing about like a dumbfounded dame.

Picking pace up, a table awaits, a half-hearted snicker from a pretty boy’s face, abound him a harem of prettier birds, ready and braced, with tiger eyes… And tighter waists… Even the fair ones… Twice my age…?

… Heed I need not.

For such ire and fire allowed me to… Raise a glass, pour it fast, fasten my bow, and bid myself go-

-Lest the scorn reach my base.

Skip and step, to there and again, with a platter or a tankard, or a towel to get.

Thoughts escape, mind is reeling, foreign fills, rich thrills, life is fleeting, with a murmur or two, the unknowable truths, a kind of dream to gleam and theme t’ward the higher

But mired to think of things un-succinct, to my mind, and of mine, and all I hold dear.

It is clear,

A foundation lacking leads the break, crack, and fall. A foundation never built, means a house not enstated. Such foundation I lack, like a rest for my back…


Body’s betrayal like a backstab, straightened, unmoved, a breath of fresh air like light in dark rooms

Assume, the living, made to the service, in other words, a butler or maid, working determined

Mind your own business, a busyness unending, till dusk and dawn, till a new moon arising, till stars move on and bleed to horizons. 

Stressful dread, a helping of sweat, all good additions to stand on a last leg— 

— But—

Eyes meet eyes in a momentary glance. A split second is long in a magical trance~

Red gems gleam directed to mine, mine blue as a sky, mine I see all the time~

Opposite that, crimson like nothing before. Raging fire, torrential blood, passionate suns, crazy love~

Of gold and fair, contrasting the worn black and white… The brown, dull hair~

Yet… Diverted just as quick—

— But catching in the moment, a moment of doubt. Did he look at me? Or the sweat on my brow?

On margin of dream for a split kind of thought, a fetching escape with a radiant lot…

… Seeing a light, makes dark rooms that darker. Without him, specifically like him, I feel as a martyr

Anguish in a vision, 

of hearty weight, 

of loss of spine, 

of skipping beats, 

of wait of thought, 

of wailing heart, 

I could cry.

Fantasy leaves us dreaming alone, no fantasy works in reality’s cold, no dream alive in the world that we know, knowing and feeling cruelty’s beaming, at us, at hope, divesting warm coats, to leave us exposed. 

Nevermore was my pledge, to dream higher than my rents, but my soul shall be rend, if never our eyes meet again—

— Oh—

Driven under and over, the same kind of ending. There will be no together, if that together’s you and him

A lover is slain when only one lover’s feelings hit. A lane for two but one will never fit

What love keeps under lock and key? What love keeps you from loving me?! Unrequited, imperfect,

I am perfectly hopeless.


Reverie then died, thoughts finally smothered, gone in a second, a brutal, grave end

That light so blinding and getting yet brighter, but no shield am I after, or hurting for. Radiance consume me, nurture in warmth, shatter my conceptions and convictions of what, what chains on my heart that disallow, what claims in my mind that disavow.

And softly, speak

Become to me, the day I seek, which burns all evil, and wakes

That takes me off my path, my fate.

And make me weep

That tears may flow with a smile

That while I ail, you are at my side–

I stood in the presence of fortune himself

A golden perfection presenting in silks

Expression unparalleled, I liken to lux

Regal in countenance…

Poetic in phrase…

Divine song was writ in a man…

My fantasy lives just as he stands…

He spoke good nature, eyes smiling with it

He asked in my favor, how shall I call you?

Response in a murmur, one barely heard–

–Mademoiselle… Call me as so

Mademoiselle, it shall be then 

And before I forget, L. Saint. Hello~ 

L. Saint, so it is. 

We spoke of this and that

I spoke of little much back

Yet if the topic was to be asked

I’d hardly remember

His eyes drew me in

His voice took me further…

Call me a madwoman…

I could not disagree…

Yet if I shall lose my mind…

I shall do so happy…


Further a mind in fae, faraway. There at the fair, on a tear, to make merry

Follow the steps, do not tarry:


Watch a flow trail of silk, hear a stomp sound of sole, link your souls like the lights, that intoxicating white.


Watch that seep into life, hear a blaring brass kick, link your eyes, blow a kiss, feeling cheeks dusted pink.


Watch the distance, hear bated breath, win him over, hold or be held, whichever gets you closer in the end.


Watch at your heart, hear it’s sweet swell, wear it right on your sleeve, hold the hardship that bears.



Waltz into dream, where happiest days

Shall rightly know their place, thus rightly know to stay… With all respect to reason.

We welcome back a straggling thinker, far strung out, in thinking bigger

In all kinds of avenues, fallen and fleeting, a feeling of time better spent

Thus spoke the angel, yet fear still snared you, and parted the two in due time

The mistress of house, the lady of owner, the one you’d remiss to ignore.

As if beauty itself did not seek validation, so too is her aura of dignification. And elation in eyes none of my own, took pleasure of sight upon her. With a sway and a sly, harlequin grin, spoke forth to my angel before me. Ensnared him with rose, and thus L. Saint was go. 

Harlot, lordess of my life, seeketh to hurt me, bringeth me strife. I curse you hundreds, thousands, innumerable times. And again, does the beauty overrule the thorn, and scorned are the flowers with no danger adorned

Insufferable priss, unfit for my prince, my angel, my venerated saint of aurous gold… 

Now in standing a fool… I’ll see you again, I whispered and hoped.






- As I lie tween the morrow, or loss to the night. 

The fight left inside burns vicious as candles, but with it the wax melts twofold. 

Shambling deadly, and eyes trained deadset. 

Stinging and painful, like a knife in my head.

Heartstrung up and down the- 

- bending ,


of life. 

At the mercy of opportunity and lordly desire. 

I aspire, so virulent my dreams end up being, 

my mind sent reeling to fall inwards, 

towards toxic despair, green and foggy, 

clouding all logic supposedly there.

Pacing insanely.




The legs till they end up as stubs shall not be restored, to a still or a stand. 

Mercy be damned, no life will stop me, neither will tiresome ails to the body. 

Confusion contort beholding dark fantasies, 

better they know, lest they try understanding me. 

Sickening, lecherous, harlot-esque witches affronting a prince- 

             - unnerved to them, 

               undeserved to them.

  Driver to envy, so violently deep.


Call hail and I turn to attention. With a bitter taste, apprehension.

Speak ho and I fly t’ward the floor lord, servant master. 

So I muster all my haste, so he barks, rally faster!

Mad made you?! With a backhand, and a crackling kind of pain. 

Sting hard yet stalwart, duly I remain.

Madwoman! so he calls-

 Made stupid by a ball? 

How simpleminded be! Oh Goddess, do help me!

Abuse to my ears shall last not but a second

And the Goddess does hear me as tacit is my cry

—Strike and the chime comes to life

—Ding! Goes the hand as it strikes near a twelve—

—Ring! Is the bell as midnight nears felled—

Lower the lights! The foreman commands                 Signal the dance! A forlorn thought lands.

Oh my! Was a cry, un-tacit, as I vie

Vie away to my cause, to find just where it is gone

What a scramble of all colors, as existence seems to struggle.

Tearing up a world from the in

And screaming within, all manners ideation, which in motions,

build up to unravel all notions of everything

That is, what is dear, what is left to keep going,

what you look to, to struggle, when the future is unclear

And curse to the dreamer, whose thoughts serve to hinder,

all wishes to burn, reigning sin as they cinder.

I speak rally, rally please!

I am stronger than I believe!

I speak farther, go far longer!

But sundered by the long hand…

  …So it strikes, and they dance…


Rally even more! Cries the mind at wits end! Failure is not yours! Cries the heart as it rends!

And I, 

as I live, 


and I see. 

I am more than I am, more than what could be.

So alive is the night, so the waltz begins count- 

-1, 2, 3, 4… Right, left, then go back, go forth and repeat… 

1, 2, 3, 4… Twist and repeat… 1, 2, 3, 4… 

Still I am not beat.

A maze made of meter and measure in step. A romance of music, in beat to the rest

The keys sing, black and white, overture to the night, in it’s extravagance, in it’s might

Goodfellows, their mistresses, incensed in event, swoon to the music, to their lovers own scent

Stillwell is the heart as the night bellows on

As harmonies meld, so does pleasure and fawn

Stayed hope to the day, may it stay away. Pray the night overlong, oh good moon overstay

My angel of gold, where is your great luster, oh saint, venerated, give me strength for a muster

Muster of heart as I start, hitherto, to the end, to the last of all I am, what I can, what I want…

All of you, all my heart.

You are mine, damn the nays

I am yours, in all the ways

Made to be, damn the maid

I am me, no masquerade

Damn tradition, damn repute

I love you, that is the truth…!


Merriment’s fury. A step in a second, a jump in one less, and a dip even quicker

Slower in pace, I shamble and shake, I scan for the light in pitches of dark getting darker

Bumping around in the waltz my mind waits

Frantic like picking, of gold and of silver, to make a good fortune, but to find only copper

I run all my course, burnt out like a match, I hold out on tears, holding cracks in a dam

I make it past joyous delights to a silence

A saint only can, a man of the ether, L. Saint only can, as a defacer of darkness itself

Render him now, I feel a dark touch, release him I plead, the cold void is too much.

Oh harlot miss charmer you shan’t be beside him

Damn your luster, lustful butcher

Heartstring puller, mistress lecher

If you kiss him, I will kill you

If you touch him, I will torch you

If you hold him, I will hang you

Playing coy?

Fuck you

Stay away or be destroyed.

Hard to get?

I’ll gut you dead

Leave your body in a bag.

I am not above killing

I know what you do with your time

I have watched you

Cleaned your room

Dusted windows

Got you food

Watched you cry.

But I swear to the heavens upon all that I am

If you ever deign to treat him ill…

Cross my heart, your blood will spill.


I die with the lights… A pitiful showing

Where is that fading, fleeting, angel?

I have lost him? It cannot be…

…But I see no proof to deny it.

Full stop, chilling tiles, dirtied from the countless gaits it has miled. Mired in much, just like I

On to the knees, hoping to bruise, to blacken the joints, as black as my hope, and then forever lose

Painted red as a fool

Train the spotlight in full

Kill me. Strike me. Reap all of me, please

I do not breathe as they do

Good prince, kiss me, wake me… Not, forget me in resplendence and taketh your princess


Happily ever after, such peasants only dirty you, sully your good name, all, everything for shame

I draw only failure 

They respire success

Forlorn bearer, server eternal, burden yourself with the dirt and dregs, the filth of the rest


As it drudges along, a husk of deadmeat. Laugh and point, subhuman twit, no pity for the mindless

No respite in death

But regret in death

And regress in death

To what we have always been

But pretend desperately to spite

In a second, tense a smile, stand up straight, serve the lord, fill his plate, curtsy, and repeat


Starve yourself, bitch of the tray, curse your mind for the crime of a thought, that you deserve any better

Fate cruel lady, mistress fatalis, lord over mercy

No world caters to thee. As if what is less can be more, that gold can be thrown to the floor

…Save me

We hate you as you are, thinking at all, we’ll rid you of that yet, you rotten, groveling, lecher and whore

Dreaming of romances 

Or fantasies yet? 

You worthless wretch.



Stand thin, little one, stand lone with the barren expanse that the weight of ‘what could’, left upon you.

No envy shall resolve you

No hate shall absolve you

No story will elate you

That fantasy lie dead

Lie still in your head

To recall in your bed

As you weep

As you sweep

As you serve her… With him complete

Her with him… Complete


Mademoiselle. Left on his lips, a name would sound much sweeter

Mademoiselle. I hear it call, leaving rifts where blood is sequenced

Mademoiselle…? I hear again, cutting deeper.


L. Saint?

   Do you wish to dance?

You wish to dance… With me?

Oh~ You see

While the party roar high

I confess, sat was I

With a sigh as I beheld the waltz.

But then catching my eye

As I drank from my wine

A maid with a sorrowful smile.

Now pardon me so, for assume I will now

Is a dance what you are sorely without?


With a mask, damn the masquerade. With a dance, damn the repute, the shame, the naysay

In a corner, alone, to hold close and be warm. No fantasy fleeting, when held in his arms

So real, so vivid, his crimson hued eyes. So shocking, so light, was the kiss that sealed the night

As we settled and wound down my mind broke into a million tiny pieces 

And these pieces came back as the torrential tearfall felt colder than ice 

I stirred in pain to remember as I start staining his coat, ruining his tie

In relief I cried, but inconsolable was my mental sin, my shameful mind

He did not let go, I never understood why 

And even now, in the darkest nights

He continues to deny my villainous mind

But perhaps with some time

Shall we see with level eyes

Yet for now

I love you, my saint. Goodnight.

- Célestine



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