
Showing posts from April, 2023

Crow Armbrust my Beloved.「COLD STEEL ARC」

  Crow my beloved xoxo Reasons I love Crow Armbrust.  Oh yeah and spoilers ahead for uh... Trails of Cold Steel and other Trails games he appears in. Don't read if you care about that game's story or something and you haven't played any of them. > I like the way they wrote him as a traitor. Him and Rean don't hate each other per se, they just don't stand on the same ground. > I like his design. (I love him and I am a sucker for white haired anime boys.) (P.S Appreciating male beauty as a male is the straightest thing imaginable don't @ me) > I like his English voice actor, I don't exactly recall the name (AND I HOPE HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BAD OR PROBLEMATIC) but his performance as Crow was good. > I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. (Zuko is still my favorite character from ATLA and I am an Akechi from P5 enjoyer) > He give me big pain in the heart when he decided to go die and then come back but with no memory then get back memory then w...

Quick Post 7

 I've always wanted to write a book so I have been doing just that. I started around August of last year and it's been going well. Only chapter 1 is done, but revisions and editing need to be made. Though, I want to finish it first before doing anything like that.  - Z


  Travelling   I've been hitting the road... Or more accurately, hitting the skies and seas and doing some travelling. I'll say it here and now, travelling is kind of annoying but also quite fun. One day you're on cloud nine having the time of your life and then the next day you're feeling like death has come for your soul. Both ways are nothing if not interesting though. Especially when not at home. Fortunately, I'll be back in my own bed soon... I won't be posting regularly still but it'll be easier to post there I assure you. I saw a few interesting things that I'll keep to myself for matters of privacy but what I saw was pretty cool. I didn't make this post to talk about my experience, this is more so to share my plight and/or delight in travelling and not being at home. Kind of stupid I know, but what am I if not dumb as bricks. Intelligence aside I think that travelling is worth every penny if you can afford it. New experiences are great, havin...

Quick Post 6

 This week do be hell.  - Z