Amare Fatalis | CHAPTER 1 :「WAKING」

Hello! This is the second post today, I'm sorry, but I wanted to try something different.

This is a thing I started some time ago and finished recently. It's kind of a romance? I add a question mark because I'm not so sure on my romance writing prowess.

Anyway, it's a BxB romance that's been in my mind for a bit and I hope you enjoy! If you do, then don't expect another chapter for a while, I am EXTREMELY slow (also lazy) at writing.

Thank you!

just some spacing :> (y'know get you transitioned to reading mode!)


 Amare Fatalis

By Zeerdank


I don’t regret loving you.

Then what do you regret?

I regret that I didn’t stop you when I should have.

Fool. That means you regret what drew us together.

Am I not allowed to regret that and still wish we had loved?

No, but it hurts all the same.

Then drop your weapon and come with me.

We would, both of us, die.

And would you go on without me?

No. That is worse than death.

Then you know what to do.


Chapter 1 - Waking

I. Krueger

Having my senses awakening to sweetness is something I could get used to. Leo’s scent is immaculate as always. 

I open my drowsy eyes and see my world in front of me. Ebony hair that's perfectly messy, soft eyebrows suiting his peaceful expression, a faint scar across his left eye as handsome as ever, and of course his heroic features that catch my eyes more than anything else. 

Wrapped in his embrace I feel safer than behind any shield or ward, safer than in any armor or than wielding any weapon. I can only hope he feels how much I love him through my own embrace. That he can confide in me, be vulnerable with me, that he too, is safe in my arms.

‘Fluffy, you're staring.’ 

My reverie is broken as he calls me. His voice made deep in the morning.

‘I ain’t apologizing for that.’

‘...Not at all, you have to, or else-’

He plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

‘-I shan't stop kissing you.’

Then he plants another kiss, then another, another again. Soon I'm in a barrage of kisses. I can't help but laugh and feign a defense.

‘...Mmm it's not funny, Fluffy. This is no laughing matter.’


‘I’m HAHA- so- EHEH sor- HAH- sorry- HAHAHA!’ I am not long for this world, Goddess help me.



‘Keep that farce up and I ought to start assuming you enjoy this.’ Damn his grin, so tempting.




‘Noo- HEHHHH! I- I'm HAHA- sooooo–HAHAHA–orrryyyyyy!!!’ I’m dying! Help! this man is too much.

He pauses the barrage and smiles at me, a brilliant expression. One I always cherish to see. I, of course, reciprocate, though mine is less brilliant and more red with affection. 

It's then he pulls me in for a deeper kiss, this time on my lips… I happily give it my all. Electric, simply electric. We feel each other's passion, our connection, our love. Then we pull away, far too soon for the both of us, I'd know, but nevertheless I'm satisfied, and he seems the same.

‘Now, Sir Krueger, I hope you understand the severity of failing to apologize and what exactly awaits you in any similar case.’

‘All too well, Leo… All too well.’

‘That’s ‘Sir Asterhall’ to you~’

‘Uhuh, my apologies then… ‘Sir Asterhall'~~.’

‘See, you’ve already improved a great deal.’

‘You’re horrible.’

‘And yet you love me~.’ He smiles boyishly. What an imp, this one.

‘~~To death.’ I add, just as impishly while fluttering my lashes.

He giggles and plants another kiss on my head.

‘Okay, I believe that’s enough pillow talk.’

‘Oh alright… If you say so.’

We untangle from one another and begin our day. First stop, breakfast.

Cooking was never really my strong suit so it’s good that Leo is just as good as a professional chef. Not that I sit around and let him cook alone, he let’s me help wherever I can, and even teaches me a thing or two.

Taking my place at his side I observe closely the breakfast he is preparing.

‘Are those the home-famous ‘Leo Asterhall Waffles’  I smell? Are they ‘Just like mother used to make’, too?’’

‘Not at all, hun. These are actually the- ‘Fennr Krueger, pray thee, stop hogging my shoulder so I can make our breakfast properly Waffles.’ -slight difference.’

I step away with a pout, ‘Okay, okay~’ 

‘Now don’t look down, if you really want to help, you may start by setting the table’ He points over to our dining table, ‘It’s a mess.’

I do just that. Humming away, it’s another peaceful morning, yet we never forget to cherish it like it’s the last. With a little focus table is looking neat and pleasant, ready to receive the amazing breakfast Leo made.

I sit down and watch him put on the finishing touches. 

‘Anything you wanna do today? Other than…’ I trail off.

‘Other than what?’

‘Other than… you know. The usual take a walk, tend to the garden, other than the normal routine, basically.’

He puts the plates down and takes a seat opposite to me.

‘No, not particularly, though I suppose we can head out to town later. See if we can’t find anything interesting to do.’

I don’t mean to push back yet I must, ‘Do you mean it this time?’

I hate to see this kind of concern on him, ‘This time?’ 

‘It’s not too dangerous right now?’

‘You know I only say that for our sake. Remember if-’

‘I know, I know. As long as ‘they’ lurk, we’ll never be safe.’ Blowing a raspberry, I rest my head on the table.

He and I don’t go much of anywhere and especially without one another, not just because we can’t live without each other–though that is a bonus–but because danger lurks around every corner, waiting to strike at any time while we’re away from home.

So our life is restricted to keeping away from others and infrequent visits to the nearby town in order to stock up. Sometimes, a few visitors show up, trusted visitors, thats about the only time we get to interact with anyone other than ourselves. I’m not complaining though, I’d go through oblivion as long as I get to be with the man I love the whole way through.

But also, also, it’s been quite a long time since our pursuers have made any moves, and I feel as though we’ve earned some slack… It’s not like we’re stomping around town everytime we go.

‘We never should have joined them.’

‘You know I’ll never disagree.’

‘Oh fie, I hate to ruin the morning, I’m sorry, Leo.’

‘Don’t even, I understand you painfully. *sigh* I too, wish to see the sights with you.’

‘Our promise…’

Wordlessly, he stands up to give me an embrace from behind. I can’t help but lean into him. His sweetness once again filling my senses. Does this man understand how bad this is for my heart?

‘Fennr, Fluffy, my love, I promise we shall go to town today.’ My heart skips far too swiftly, it’s not fair that he’s so charming but I suppose nothing is in love and war.

‘I love you, Leo.’ I feel so hot.

‘I love you too. I love you so much.’ Then I simply burn up.

And in a second our lips our sealed once more… I know for a fact that I am no lucky man, our situation hiding away proves it. But, at least I was lucky enough to find my world, my heart, my Leo. And to that end, I will do my best to make him the happiest man in the world.

I have no clue what I have done to deserve him. But I will not mess this up, not like everything else.

II. Asterhall

We walk along a stream, out the forest, and through the moor. Our house in the woods is hidden by nature’s finest and on a dizzying trail.

And as I look on at him, his ash pink hair is gently tousled by the early morning breeze. I always make a note to take in his sharp beauty. Not much people would trust him by appearance but his rebellious look is nothing less than handsome to me. For as many mistakes as I have made… Loving him was never one of them.

Finally, we arrive at the nearby town, I don’t quite remember the name and there are no signs owing to it’s size. I turn to him.

‘Are you prepared?’

‘I’m always prepared.’

‘Not for me. Never, dare I say.’ I grin at him.

He squints at me, ‘We’ll see about that. You forget I’m the stronger one.’

Wrapping my arm around him, ‘Yeah, alright, “Fluffy”.’ 

Yeah, alright, “Fluffy”~~’ He repeats what I say at a higher pitch.

My grin grows wider and I deliver a light punch to his shoulder. He pouts before matching my smile.

We push onwards to the location of our date. One of two places to get food in this town, and having been to neither we decided to pick the busier one. Logic–our logic–dictates that we would stand out less in the crowd. Though I can’t help but be slightly fearful everytime I’m in public, especially for him.

‘I have to say, for a dead-end town this is a pretty nifty resto.’

‘Dead-end is pushing it in my opinion, but I have to agree, this establishment is more than I expected.’

‘Take me to a seat perhaps, dear Leo… *smirk* “Ferocious Lion Knight”~ ’ He flutters his eyelashes. 

My heart would melt any other time, but that title is dreadful.

‘Oh, that title… *sigh* Desist this instant or I shall bring back the title “Kruel Krueger” or some other godforsaken alias.’

'You say so, but “Kruel Krueger” is pretty good, you can’t deny it.’

I shake my head, wanting to be annoyed, yet I’ll be honest, my Fluffy is simply too adorable to be annoyed at in any circumstance. And well, considering he then rendered to me a small kiss on my cheek and a light embrace, I can’t exactly be a spoilsport when I’ve been blessed as such.

‘Oh well, call me whatever you feel, my dear.’

’Don’t be like that. I like Leo the best, it’s a handsome name, one I love to no end.’  There he goes again, flutter, flutter. Oh be still my beating heart.

‘Let us be seated then~’ I give him a small kiss too, consider it payback.

Again he shows his devilish smile, ‘After you~’

He and I take our seats at an unassuming corner, soon we flag a waiter and set our orders. I’ll say, he’s an absolute darling, a gorgeous angel as he seats opposite to me, ash pink hair and all. 

Though some people–people who knew him from ‘back then’–would say he’s softened up, I’d argue that he’s finally feeling safe and stable. And truthfully, I cannot overstate my pride in being his sanctuary. I must be strong for him.

‘It’s been quite a while since we’ve found ourselves on a date like this hasn’t it, Fluffy?’

‘Reminds me of our days in Prima.’ His eyes glisten with nostalgia. I feel it too.

‘Prima… You know, that feels like a different lifetime entirely.’

‘We’ve come a long way, Leo my heart.’ He reaches his hand out to mine, I take it tenderly.

‘And we shall go even further, I promise you.’ I kiss the back of his hand and I know we are both blushing fiercely.

Our lunch is served to us and our drinks are poured. Despite my paranoia, it feels good to be sharing a moment, a date, like this with Fennr. Makes everything feel closer to normal again, the Goddess knows we need some of that in our lives.

The food is good, it harkens nostalgia and homeliness. Although, and I’ll allow myself to boldly assume here, I believe my cooking is better. But, it’s not about the cooking. It’s about being with one another. 

Leo and Fennr, there is no team better. I do not love anyone more than him. I cannot love anyone more than my Fennr. It’s not possible, I cannot live without him…

For without him, I would be damned by my past, with him, I have strength to move in spite of my past. If not for me, for him. And I, I will repay him tenfold, I will forfeit to him love of which no one else is capable. He may never know how much I adore him in his life, but I will love him all the same. Which is why I can never lose him. I won’t lose him.

‘Oh, Leo, You’re staring~’ He calls out to me before poking my cheek.

‘O-Oh *cough* m-my apologies, I must have looked strange.’

‘No, no, you’re really handsome when you smolder like that, very intense~ I kind of wish I knew what gets you so bothered like that.”

If only you knew… It’s only you. It can only be you.

‘Hehe~ Sorry to repeat myself but you look really good when you get all serious like that… I kind of feel like I want to keep that look to myself.’

It already is, goddamn it, it already is.

‘Anyway, you haven’t really touched your food- Is it not that good for our resident chef?’

I become acutely aware of the fact that I’ve started staring again and how long I’ve been staring as Fennr looks at me with slight concern. I need to reply. But… my mind is elsewhere. 

‘*clears throat* …Are you alri-’

-Oh drat, I’ll just say whatever comes to mind first…

‘Marry me.’

Wait what-

At that we seemed to both stop working. It goes on for a worrying amount of time. His jaw is simply dropped, though a warning of a smile is starting to creep up. I on the other hand, am simply staring at him, dumbfounded at what I said, I don’t even know why I-

‘Yes! Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes! Oh by the goddess! Yes! - Oops, I’m sorry sir-’ He practically flies out of his chair kicking and screaming. Shocking the patrons, and me.

-Oh damn it, it’s not that I don’t want to marry him. In fact, I’ve been planning it for awhile, it’s the first thing that came to mind after all. But, I imagined I would be proposing after all this hiding was over- 

No. Now I must take full responsibility… For his sake, his smile. I promise you Fennr, I will be able to protect you.


III. Duality

As much as I regret nearly getting us kicked out of a restaurant. I feel far too light and happy to give a damn right now. 

Leo was freaking out at first but I think he stopped caring around a million kisses ago. I kind of lost count how much I decided to dish out in my romantic craze, but whatever… Details, details~

What matters is that I’m to be married to the man I would fight the world for! My heart can barely take it~

There’s far too much reasons for me to be on edge right now, and I really should be, but it’s hard to deny Fluffy’s intoxicating happiness. 

I will allow this to go out of plan, much as I like my plans. For he, out of any person I may think of, is the sole one who deserves to be completely happy at those two magic words. And I, for my part, must take the full responsibility for uttering them- 

Oh, who am I kidding…? I just want to make him the happiest man in the world. No need to rationalize it. If he’s happy, I will be the same a million times over.

It’s a blessing so pure to link my arms with this man now that I know our souls will be joined, and how romantic the sunset is as we make no haste to return back to our home. 

As beautiful as the natural sundown can present itself, there’s hardly any need for it. I already have the most natural beauty the world has to offer right next to me.

Yet truly, even the greatest, most majestic sight, means nothing when compared to my lover’s own dashing looks.

And I am his knight, and he is my prince. Together we are unbreakable.

‘You’re beautiful’ Well, well. It seems, we were thinking the same thing.

Neither of us can contain our smiles after that. We slow our pace and turn to each other.

He nudges me gently, ‘Who said you could read my mind?’ 

‘Would that be so bad? If we could read each other’s minds?’

‘Depends. What do you think about~?’

He grasps both my hands tenderly. Woah he’s warm right now, ‘Only you, Fluffy. I never stop thinking about you.’

We come to a halt, now immersed in our little conversation. Truthfully, I’d like to be home, but the moment is far too strong not to get caught up in. And besides, I don’t mind. I never mind. Any moment with him is precious.

‘Oh you’ll find comfort in mine then, as I too, think only of you, my heart.’

‘Shall we go see a witch then?’

‘We know one, a very good one.’

‘They shall be at our wedding, then.’

‘Speaking of, when’d you think we should hold it? And who, if anyone, shall we invite?’

’I am thinking we ought to invite Celestin, Robin, and the others like Hexwane and Gurranq… All in all, there won’t be more than ten or eleven of us. It will be a small event, nothing so garish. Perhaps we shall hold it in a months time, just in our garden.’

‘Sounds perfect.’

‘I would give nothing less than perfect for you, Fluffy.’

‘How lucky I am, then. But never, and I mean never discount yourself, Leo. You must treat yourself if you mean to treat me as well.’

‘Life with you is a treat enough. But who am I to deny your words? It shall be so. Forever and always.’

‘*smirk* Then let me give you a treat of my own~’

I pull him into a deep kiss. Tines like these I wish I could capture the moment and frame it. Two of us, kissing in a clearing in the forest right before the moor, the twilight’s purple chroma casting it’s astronomical hue on us.

I pull away from him, perhaps too soon as he pouts at me, but we really should be getting home.

‘Oh don’t look at me like that, Fluffy.’

‘I know, I know, we need to get home, but I would’ve liked at least ten more seconds.’  Dear me, his pout is cute, I’m always tempted to tease him more, just to see it.

‘We’ll have plenty of time at home, my love.’

‘I’ll hold you to that, Leo. No take-backsies.’ I give him a boop on the nose, let him know I’m being serious.

A silly gesture from a silly man. In what world could I resist smiling at his antics? 

I like making him smile. His may not be attractive to many people, in fact a great deal of people have described it as intimidating and vicious. Well the way I see it, it just means that there’s more things for me to adore in the world. Their loss.

With enough back and forth we resume our journey back home. With a bit of luck, we arrived before the night truly set in. It is only when we pass the threshold, that being our door, that the magnitude of marriage hits me.

Shall I take on his family name? Will he take on mine? Trivial questions, I know. But, even the little things about this turn of events make my heart flutter. I swear, this man will be the death of me. Well, technically, he kind of was… But that’s a story for another time.

There was a time I couldn’t imagine being tied down. Where I thought I would live and die by my sword. That my lot in life was the lonely road ahead, the next job, another target. Now, as I relax by his side, sharing a moment of comfortable silence by our fireplace, I am glad that I met my Fennr.

I turn to him, he has his eyes closed, an intimate tranquility on his face. I must preserve such an expression, preserve it that I may enjoy it’s warmth and stability, that he may sleep soundly at night, that we may live in harmony and enjoy our love. The past shall stay where we left it. That is how it should be.

I start to doze off, I then feel a familiar weight on me as I do… Oh well, sleep comfortably my prince. Should any nightmares threaten you, I shall be there in your dreams, I shall be your ward.

‘...Goodnight, Leo…’

‘...Goodnight… I love you…’

I do so hate to leave him hanging with that… but I’m far too comfortable laying on him at this point. The best I can do now is snuggle in closer… I love you too, forever and always… forever and always.

Forever and Always.

IV. Realism

Morning arrives and already the day is delightful. It’s quite unusual that I awaken before my Fluffy. My barrage of kisses yesterday notwithstanding, I can’t help but stare at his peaceful expression.

…I lay in silence for a good while, appreciating this front row seat that the goddess has given me. My eyes are blessed, truly blessed, what a serene scene that is in front of me. I again take note of his beauty. He is dangerously attractive, like a debonair rogue. Yet in place of any cunning charm or guile, he roped me in with his adorable disposition.

I remember the days we spent endlessly striving, how we picked ourselves up and kept going until we were bruised and bloody all over. The intense gravity in our expressions, the unadulterated fierceness we let loose. We were both afraid of being weak. 

And what more could be done in that environment? It was either you were strong and vicious, or you were deadweight, easy pickings. We were lucky to make it out.

‘...What are you thinking of… Leo?’

‘Hm? Oh, nothing quite so important, Fluffy.’

I would do well in not bringing it up to him. It would ruin the morning, I am certain.

‘...Mm, okay… Ah, you know, I fancy waking up like this… But are you even comfortable right now?’

‘What do you mean?’

I realize that he has been practically sleeping on top of me.

‘You’re the best mattress money can’t buy, Leo.’ He plants a kiss on my forehead.

‘Well I mean, thank you…?’ Why do I have to blush now?

He envelopes me in an embrace, and I must admit… If I am the best mattress, then he is, without a doubt, the best bedsheet. That is probably the weirdest thing I have ever thought. But I shall worry about that another time, because as of the moment, I have quite the serious case of ‘the world’s most ravishing man’ afflicting my poor heart right now.

Dear me, it is a heavenly experience to be sure. As if the lord of comfort and his entire congregation decided that I was today’s biggest winner. And to top it all off, time moves slowly as I am confined in his embrace, that I may savor this moment… It is divine, he is divine, a true angel to my demon, if you will. 

I close my eyes and settle in the comfort, but, then I feel I may have committed the most unforgivable, most punishable sin I could ever have committed, I feel my love’s tears. My angel is crying.

I pull myself up with urgency and keep him close, ‘...Fennr, you’re safe, I have you. Are you okay?’

My heart begins to bleed as I feel the excruciating weight of his sobs.

‘Please… Tell me what’s wrong. I am here for you, always.’

I feel myself on the verge of tears. I simply cannot take it when I know he is hurting. It is a far too terrible sight, the one where your most cherished, most beloved, and most irreplaceable half is beholden by despair.

‘...L- L- Leo, this is- this is all- all real… ri- right? I- I- I won’t wake… wake u-up? W- w- we won’t go ba- back t- to R- R- Ro- *sob*’ 

My heart cries out as it spews a torrent of blood, I feel it, me, my soul, writhing in pain, and I cannot stop myself from tears. He is unable to finish what he is saying… He doesn’t need to. That name, that fucking name doesn’t deserve to be uttered ever again.

‘...This is all real, Fluffy. I promise this is all real. You’re safe. You’re… safe.’ I need to be strong. For him.

‘I- I d-don’t wa-want to go b-ba-back. I- I d-don’t…!’ 

‘-We are not going back. You’re safe, okay? You are safe.’ 

I embrace him as tightly as I am able to. Fennr, know that you deserve to be happy, to be safe, you deserve the world. We sit like this for as long as it takes until I feel him calm down, until his tears cease. 

‘Please… Leo, never leave my side. I could not go on without you. The world means nothing if you aren’t there. I will die if you leave.’ His voice is weak. I want to protect him so much, it is painful. 

‘Know that if I leave you, I shall never forgive myself, It would be my greatest sin. My body and blood would reject my soul for it’s travesty, and I would forever go on, not in living, but in an unending death. I will never leave you, my love.’

I cannot control my actions at this point as I gently bring his face in front of my own. I look deeply into his eyes, hoping desperately that he feels just how much I love him. That I would take on the world and more if it ever came between us. I would never leave him, never. It would be my death just as much as his.

His eyes. What splendid gems they are, a brilliant and dazzling blue, gleaming with a soul I wish to keep to myself, I wish to protect, to keep close and never let go. I know in my heart that his soul is beautiful, far more beautiful than I think even he knows, and to that end I wish to bring the best out of him.

We look at one another, heart to heart, soul to soul, and we stay like this, sitting in silence. It does not matter, I am willing to sit by his side forevermore if he will have me. For if I can quell even the smallest storms in his mind, I shall sit forevermore, if I can alleviate any of his pain, great or lame, I shall sit forevermore, and if I can eradicate all of his doubts, I shall sit forevermore.


Before the next word leaves his mouth I seal his lips with a kiss. A passionate kiss, sending a blazing conflagration, a great fire, throughout my body, scorching my senses in a confluence of pure love and wanting. We don’t pull away until our breaths escape us.

‘...Hehe wow~ I think we should hold off from going any further though.’ 

 I find myself on top of him now.

‘Uh- my apologies, Fluffy. I got a bit carried away.’ 

‘Don’t apologize, I enjoyed it… And thank you, Leo. I feel better.‘  I am extremely relieved to see his smile.

We both sit up.

‘Mmm~ I love you.’

‘I love you too, Fluffy.’ 

There is no feeling greater than his trust. I shall protect it with all that I am, I swear it completely this time.

V. Sunshine

Sitting out and eating breakfast in a comfortable silence, I watch as Leo tends to our garden. It’s a beautiful garden, so colorful and pleasing to the eye even as small as it is… Oh well, at the very least it’s more varied than the one he was allowed to have back then, with all those different roses crowding the planters.

Many would call us strange, but Leo and I decided very early on to skip anything to do with roses since then. Neither of us can stand to look at that flower, beautiful as they may be. And though I really shouldn’t worry about it, I cant help but think about… ‘him’. Truthfully, simply thinking of that man makes me feel a cold chill.

Although I feel quite bad for starting Leo’s day with tears, the thought of that one snake of a man looms greater now than ever before. I curse my mind for this, but I understand it’s reasoning. A damnable thought, but I suppose that even as happy as we are here in obscurity, something like marriage, and I would never doubt my Leo, but it seems far too good to be true for someone like me.

I feel as though. I don’t deserve to be so happy, like ‘he’ would reveal himself to be alive yet. To make us suffer again. But oh yes, roses, we dislike roses because of his obsession with them. Well, him and that lapdog of his. I will never forgive the fact that he ruined roses for us. Seriously, neither of us can stand seeing roses in person. Too many memories.

‘Sir Krueger, if you please, snap out of your reverie and assist me with the Granbells.’ Leo waves his hands in front of my face.

‘Ah, apologies, my liege~ Just a bit airy today, I suppose.’

‘Oh, not at all… But truly, I understand. In fact I only called your attention because your expression had turned dour, my love.’

‘Haha… I suppose I’ll be apologizing a lot today.’

‘You’ve done nothing wrong, Fluffy.’

‘But Leo, I keep thinking about- you know…’

He silences me with a look then opens his arms wide.

‘Come here.’

He pulls me into an embrace and plants kiss on my forehead. A simple gesture, yet effectively affectionate. My worries seem to slowly fade away in his arms and disappear entirely from his kiss. Mmm, I really hope that he’s not as troubled as I seem to be right now… I hate to be the only one being spoiled when I’m sure both of us are on edge. 

Suppose I’ll give him a treat of my own. I look up at him, he smiles fondly at me, I feel my lips curl up too. Then I reciprocate his little kiss, planting one on his cheek. We squeeze one another one last time before we pull away.

‘I’ll finish up here, Leo. Go ahead and take a break, you deserve it.’

‘How considerate my love is. Thank you.’

Taking Leo’s place as gardener, I do a once over of the place and when I feel satisfied with my handiwork, I retreat to the porch to find Leo in the process of taking our plates back in.

‘You don’t have to, you know, I meant it when I said you should take a break.’

‘Who said I was going ahead with washing them myself? But seriously, I want to. We’re in this together, even in the smallest ways.’

‘Should have known, you’ve always been one for others, Leo. Think about yourself sometimes, won’t you?’ 

I smile coyly while making that remark but it’s true. Leo is always thinking about how to do right by those he cares about. Which also means he’s always thinking about me, but that’s… A thought for another time, sweet as it is.

‘Well I’d think… You think about me enough for the both of us~.’


Maybe I’m just overreacting with all that thought of the past… What matters is the here and now, right? I can finally live and love with the only person who ever gave a damn about me, the least I can do is be happy. For him. For us.

‘So then, Sir Fluff, shall we be off?’

‘Sir Fluff? That’s a new one, Mister Lion Knight.’

‘Horrid. Would you rather Kruel-’

‘We’ve been through this, hun~ *grin*’

‘Need I remind you that, that is my line, Sir Krueger?’ I can tell through his scolding tone he’s trying not to grin back. I see how it is.

He’s not going to win this one. I simply stare at him, grinning, eyes narrowed. and maybe kind of stupid looking, but it’ll work. In response to my challenge, Leo activates his “unbreakable” smolder, goddess, I recall just how many people he intimidated with it.

But he forgets that I am his equal in, almost, everything. My tried and true counter to his tactic is one I use only in the toughest of situations… When faced with a handsome smolder or some other gorgeous attack, simply smile innocently and flutter your eyelashes. Do this for long enough and… Voila~

‘kh- heh- haha- haha- HAHAHA- Ragh! Damn you, devil! Hahaha~’

The counter has never failed in its effect on him. I could almost be proud of it, if not for the fact that he has a hundred ways more to attain similar results in me… But we take our victories wherever we can get them!

Devil? Me…? Oh Leo, I have no clue what you could possibly mean. *flutters lashes*’

‘Heheh~ *grin* Fine, you are the victor in this, Fluffy.’

‘Oh but don’t you mean ‘Sir Fluff’?’

Leo widens his eyes for a moment, smirks, places the plates down, and kneels before me with a hand extended.

‘Ah indeed! I yield to thee, one most adorable, most lovable, Sir Fluff…’ This man, I swear.

‘Get up, you~’

I take his hand to pull him up when suddenly-

Leo turns the tables and pulls me into him, we crash into each other, and he seals my lips with his own. It’s instant and it burns so unbelievably hot, I can feel my body beginning to melt as he gives his love to me, and deepening, as I allow him to and as I reciprocate.

When we pull away, I see a crimson hue gracing his cheeks very clearly, and- Dammit his eyes, those dangerous eyes… Goddess help me, I can hardly hold myself back… Oh yeah, a side effect to my secret counter that I probably should have mentioned earlier, it absolutely gives him the hots for me. 

I’m starting to think it’s okay to be selfish sometimes… But I don’t know if that’s any good.

This is kind of an embarrassing post, but I'm glad that I finished it, even if it may be absolutely horridly written.

Thank you for reading it all the same - Z

ZEERDANK 2024                


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