Writing Saved My Life.
'I have hope because I can write it.' These string of words, whomever quoted them or if they were quoted at all, resonate with me. I am a very, extremely directionless person, but I have hope because I can write it. Of course, it, in this case, is prose and poetry, known to me, as my passion in life. One could say, I have cause to live within both these things. I remember a time back whence I was simply he who played video games, and make no mistake I still do play, it is just that now, writing has entered my life... I know right? Great changes. But I digress, I do recall being fit to simply live to play and die whenever so. I'd say life was but a fleeting dream then, there was only concern as to whether fun was being had or the opposite. These thoughts, fulminating, holding grasp upon the young mind, gave rise to a great distress later on. What is it that I wish to do? Am I simply content to this lot in my life? Wherefor would...