
Showing posts from March, 2024

Quick Post 17

 Naurrrrrrrrrrr flight delaayssss suckkkk. -Z

If Not Now, Then When...?

  Aria, Dearest. I wish to be serious for once, at least before I do something I can’t come back from, not that I am doing this out of necessity but because I think you deserve it. Yet, I hesitate to call anything from myself a gift for you… But, if not now, then when? In the end, I wish I could see clearly what exactly went wrong. I don’t believe any of us did anything we should have come to regret. I guess pain knows no prejudice. I suppose no amount of lamenting will fix it, I need to process these things alone and within but these things are killing me when I don’t have anyone to process them with. Or maybe I only feel like they’re killing me, that the pain fixed within originates within. It’s confusing and I am afraid. I don’t want to become someone horrible, but what is horrible? It’s what I define as horrible, what I think is horrible, thats the only answer I have. I don’t wish to live my life burdened by other peoples opinions so I hesitate to say that I am afraid that you