Misery's Reverie - Kreuszt Zeherkalt Collection 1

Misery’s Reverie




“Greetings, I have many poetry collections but I decided, after careful deliberation, to compile this one just for you! How exciting…

These poems are not exactly light and joyful… More night and doleful, with a dash of humour and rhythm. If that is your preferred poison, then oh jolly good! If not, then better luck next time, my friend.  

Oh indeed, you would find it easy to perform these to an audience on week’s end in a tavern or to a gathering of mean fellows at midnight in your parlour. 

…They are not for the carnie fair or similar merriments. Not at all…

Anyhoo, I do hope you enjoy reading this as much I did writing and compiling!”

- K. Zeherkalt


Poem 1

The (A)Moral Compass

North, south, west, or east?

Do tell me clear where to go.

Point it out would you please?

I desperately need to know.

Not one person shares a weight,

It is different as is shoddy,

This compass recommends,

That you compromise your body.

Led astray by dazzling daydreams,

Your compass is not right,

It has an inkling for vice scenes,

Where shall it lead you tonight?

The night is so much worse,

It is on the hunt for anyone,

People are easy to coerce,

Oh this compass be a hellion.

North, south, west, or east,

Where are my dearest vices?

Is it right to feed the beast?

I only did this for life’s spices.


Poem 2

A Fool’s Game to Love

Acquiesce that love is dead,

(That) A fool’s game is all that is left

No matter the effort,

Nor the time-

In the end, a sea of lie.

And that tragedy is farcical,

At least to the untrained eye,

(For) They cling on like weak dogs,

As if it is simply alright,

(And) A melody of fiction, 

Is a step low towards addiction-

And addiction of what?

An addiction to the fool’s game,

That drags on and keeps fools caged,

Keep them locked well and tight,

(So) They howl in the night,

Burning with a passion,

That cannot be right.


Poem 3

Leave a File at Death’s Desk

A petition to the desk of death…

I would like to end a life,

That life is so fleeting, so wasted, and trite.

And in a swift swing, I promise…

It will be a job by the second,

No more, no less, and not a person to miss them

A lonely sort for sure,

Not a legacy to leave,

No stake in this coil,

And not a lover to grieve.

Abandoned by love,

Not someone of note,

(Even) By family and friend,

(He’s) Not someone to dote.

It is a swift job, I promise, you shall see…

But do be advised,

That person is me.


Poem 4

Please! Spare our Prince!

A light for the poor, tragic, young prince?

Would you spare one, would it be too much?

Oh corruption, all consuming as you are… Do hear!

Save him a heartache so great!

It is undue, truly so.

Do not yet seal his fate!

It is unfair, as you know.

Oh born to the tyrant, cold and deathly… You see!

His heart was born feeble!

Abandoned by kin.

Ostracised by the people!

Yet committed no sin.

Oh mercy to the prince, for young as he is… I beg!

Let him finally live in peace!

He is treated so rough.

And his life shouldn’t cease!

You have done quite enough.

Though his father a tyrant,

Is there no giving chance?

Is his birth already sin?

Is that your moral stance?


Poem 5

Blooming Brightly, But…

And look as the flower on riverside cries…

It is alone in it’s sorrow,

And all day tomorrow,

Plus the day after such,

Shall it cry even still.

For since the flood it is literally peerless…

And in the blood,

Of it’s kin and family,

It finds not a speck,

Of mercy or glee.

So cry it shall and forever it shall heave…

Yet in bereaved state,

It blooms ever brighter,

Truly more sterling,

With lustre more great.

But in present beauty a trade may come…

For a human may see,

That gleaming fleurette,

Yes how right it may be,

On the head of their love,

Or wherever it be set.


Poem 6

Never Rise Again, Oh Sun

Oh see how that sun falls,

The love he held appalled.

(Call forth,)

Sword of soul and body,

Come down and resolve.

No one here has heart,

See him just for his parts.

(Know now,)

All that they wish to see,

That is all they had for thee.

That sun it is as his life,

To be fallen and to die.

(And he,)

Abandoned by that blade,

Of which he saw respite.

Found that dusk is as misery,

Beholden to his company.


Poem 7

Order Up, Love Potion

So you have come,

…This parlour of occult,

You come to consult,

For a sinister spell…

And by the bye, what for, pray tell?

“I need a love potion,”

“And I need it quick.”

“For the man I like,”

“He is awfully thick. ”

I see what you need,

…Another love potion,

A usual notion,

Quite boring I find…

Tell me, what have you got in mind?

“It needs to be easy,”

“As well as fast-acting. ”

“Less time for thought,”

“More for attracting.”

A dastard plan, I would say,

…But customer is king

Thats the thing,

Oh and one more small bit…

Come back immediately if you lose it.

“Why do you say so,”

“It seems hard to lose.”

“Looking like this,”

“There is no excuse.”

Why? You ask,

…Because it is strong

And if it ever goes wrong

Bad times galore…

Now go, what are you waiting for?

“Oh quite so indeed,”

“I shall use the potion.”

“And please be assured,”

“My plan is in motion.”

Honestly in hindsight,

…I had made a mistake,

Committed now to that snake,

How was I to know…

That it was me, I was her beau.


Poem 8

Never Again, Never Forever

I once pledged “Till death” and so,

But I came to see, yes I came to know,

Oh the deceit, the lies and faux.

Was I at fault,

For a love then dashed?

Or was it hers,

Cheating unabashed?

I spend mine alone, that is time,

I threw her out, surely no crime,

Never again, shall she see my dime.

I would not accept it,

My being made fool.

And I never again,

Will be treated so cruel.

My life I say, better everyday,

I am free, clear is my way,

And unlike her, I shall not betray.

You might want to ask,

So never again?

Of course not friend,

Would you want that pain?

Have you any idea just how it feels?

Like a sickening ripping from the enseam,

An agonising yet unending mortal wound,

But then blood torrents and torments you,

Oozing heavily and greatly from that gash,

Infected and unmendable it eats you away,

Leaves you hollow hearted and exhausted.

That is when you know…

A threnody is playing for you and only you,

Your love has died.

The worst part?

She is laughing at you,

You are the fool,

The laughingstock,

The weak one…

Never again, never forever.

Protect your heart, 

Protect it wherever, 

Never to open,

Never to whomever,

Protect your heart,

Protect it whatever.

Never again, never forever.


【Hello there, it's me, Zeer!

【Please enjoy this poem collection.】

【Happy new years!】

- Zeerdank


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