
Showing posts from June, 2023

Quick Post 12

Looky here! Rare double quick post. I have currently written a fair chunk of the Evermore post but decided to replay all routes again. I did the same for the post about the original game. Expect the post to appear later in the first week of July! -Z

Quick Post 11

 I have finally started working on the Evermore post after putting it off for the longest time haha. -Z

Sugar of Sin - Poems by Rose Blanche

Sugar of Sin Oh a sweet little lie, and a sugary sin. Might fools and picaros penchant But, perchance, a man of wit could so Then a world alight he’ll shape. A consequence of corruption. To make a confluence of disruption. And virtue, resolve, nobody’s compulsion. And sugar delight, for surface alright When compared to truth and wit. For nobody doth care, if heroics are there. If not to fill their own satisfaction.                                                         - Rose Blanche

Bingo? 「RESIDENT EVIL 4 2005」

  I finally played RE4 (2005) I decided that before I would even touch the REmake, I would have to play the original... Now several months after RE4 Remake's release, I have finally played and completed the original version of the game. (Well the 2014 PC release but you get what I mean.) Its a strange little game. I know there are people who absolutely adore the gameplay, and I kind of get it... It's satisfying in a lot of ways, learning how to control Leon like a master, its almost a form of art and it is definitely a fun challenge. Still though, I am DEFINITELY excited to play the remake with its more modern controls and whatnot. The story is so deliciously camp. You're motherfucking Leon Scott Kennedy hired by the POTUS to rescue his daughter from a cult in Spain, you come across an old super spy friend, a wisecracking local, and traverse through a misty village, a wack-ass castle, and a damn supervillain's island, all while Leon cracks one-liners and says dumb shit....


IM READY ATLUS! TAKE ME TO IWATODAI! HAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSSS! IM SO FUCKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW! ATLUS TAKE ME TO IWATODAI PLEASE! IM READY TO BURN MY DREAD AGAIN! TAKE ME TO THE PORT ISLAND! So... If you didn't know Persona 3 just got it's remake announced... Fuck, I'm so happy that I can say that, I'm genuinely so fucking happy. Trailer upload by Faz I honestly just wanted to make this post to share my happiness lol. - Z

On First Person Shooters. 「VALORANT AND OTHERS」[DISAVOWED as of 2/28/25]

EDIT: This is now disavowed because I just recently reread it and holy fuck these are some shit takes. I was (probably still am) insufferable goddamn. Is it? I want to discuss whether Valorant, like so many of it's predecessors (Overwatch, Paladins, Rogue Company, etc) is set up for failure. For the beginning of this post I want to use Yugi-Oh of all things as an allegory for hero-shooters/ character-shooters. When it started Yugi-Oh was dope af, everything felt like it had a place, even if it was broken, it felt correctly broken. But now after years of adding and adding new cards, power creep, and new rules... things are still kind of dope to a certain percentage of die-hards, sure, sure... but not as dope as they used to be for new guys or casuals, like now it's just fucking confusing lmao. And the same is true... to a certain degree for hero-shooters later in their lives. At the start, shit is dope. It's pretty like T(eam)F(ortress)2 at the start, everything feels pretty...