Maruki Got me Crying in the Club.

 Takuto Maruki, a ramble with Zeer.

I absolutely love Maruki and his entire arc. I totally have a soft spot for the misguided but well intentioned type of characters and Maruki fits the bill, painfully so. He made me question everything that I was doing as Joker Persona 5, all I could think of was "DO I REALLY WANT TO GO BACK?" And it hit me the hardest when you visit your teammates and they are all living happily. 

I'm just like "HRGHEJGDHYGWGV WTF I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY SO WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD STOP THIS SHIT." 130~ hours of a game full of likeable characters got me fucked up when they presented to me something I should be happy about but I wasn't happy about because it just felt wrong, and that's the thing it should be happy but its rubs you the wrong way. You spend 100+ hours busting your ass fighting bad guy after bad guy and you finally overcome the God of Control, THEN BAM! Biggest videogame whiplash ever. 

And I feel bad for Maruki, I really do, he put his entire life on hold to pursue something he thought was right and it comes crumbling down just as it was starting to come to fruition, that fucking hurts me, like, the feeling that nothing you've done mattered because in the end you were wrong and now you have nothing because everyone and everything else has drifted away from you and it's all your fault but at the same time you've stood up from injustice after injustice, on top of all that you go through losing the person close to you and there's nothing you could have done to stop it, but even then you stand up because you have (now had) hope that you can help others avoid that pain. 

Also the fact that the person who was the main force behind him nearly achieving his dream was the one to shut it down makes it even more tragic for the poor guy. It really does pull at my heartstrings and I can't hate him for what he tried to do even if it was horrifically misguided. At least at the end of it all he picked himself up, dusted himself off, and kept moving forward. I can take solace in that fact alone.   - Z 


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