
Showing posts from February, 2025

1「THE HOUSE IN FATA MORGANA」- Zeer's Correspondence

Trying a new, smaller way to get a peep of my thoughts about media out without having to write a long post, welcome to the first Zeer's Correspondence. Dear Reader, I bought this game a month ago but I have not finished it yet, not for lack of quality, no, but for an abundance of it. Since I cannot think of a better term, I am writhing horrified through the game, afraid of what is in store after experiencing first hand… how much it can stir unpleasant feelings in me. I have just passed the first instance of Michel and the White Haired Girl, the one that comes Jacopo and his whole maddening door, and while that one surely disquieted me… Door two, or rather the one with the beast, tore me up inside so badly I had to take a break from it all. Pardon my French but Holy shit, that whole series of events, it really affected me in a way I did not expect. It was not as if it was wholly unexpected, I did pick up on the fact we had two stories concurrently running, and of course how they h...