
Showing posts from December, 2024

Merry Christmas - Quick Post 19

Merry Christmas to you, I have been having a good time recently, may it be so for you too - Z

The Weeaboo, The Nerd, and The Persona.「PERSONA 4: GOLDEN」

Persona 4? Persona For Who? As a Persona fan I can only experience six emotions at any given time: Inspired Gay Peak Depressed Whimsy Gayer      ...From this opening alone you might be able to guess at which one I am experiencing at the moment. But I digress, hi, it has been a while; school is kicking my ass so hard that I have not had the inspiration to write very much. I do promise to get back in the swing of things though (lie).      Welcome to the Persona 4 Golden post, though I might speak on the original a bit too... if not a bit on the entire series. This game to me has a... special quality, for a few reasons, and honestly, I think I should just get on with it. What Kind of Weeb am I:      I became fan of the Persona series in late 2018, during the arguable height of Persona 5's popularity. My first actual delve into becoming something of an anime fan was also at this time. I was aware of the big culture around it (As you shall se...